
2017-06-28 作者: 285阅读


  Biochemistry Personal Statement

  The courses I am applying for are: Biochemistry/Sandwich Medical Biochemistry Physiology and Biochemistry Forensic Science The reasons for these choices are that I am studying both biology and chemistry at A Level and enjoy these two subjects the most and would like to combine them at higher education. The field of Forensic science is another area I would like to study as it is a fairly new subject area which is constantly changing and developing

  I find the chemistry side of biology the most interesting and the biology element in chemistry more appealing, because I can apply it to real life. The particular aspects of the A Level courses are genetics, physiology and enzymes. I am also studying A Level IT which aids data recording and analysis

  From the age of 13 I did a paper delivery round for three years and office administration for a local building contractor, for a weeks work experience. I am currently employed as a part time waiter at the Craythorne Golf Club and also work as a part time shop assistant at Budgens, a local supermarket. When I was younger I helped at the RSPCA walking dogs

  I have achieved a Bronze and Silver Award through the Duke of Edinburgh scheme. This has greatly developed my team building skills, as well as enabling me to progress on an individual basis. As I thoroughly enjoyed both the Bronze and Silver levels, I have decided to continue and hopully attain my Gold award

  My future plans are a career in the science field, where my special interests lie in Forensics, particularly out in the field, where I can expand my working knowledge and gain further skills

  In my leisure time I enjoy mountain biking, bowling, skiing, cinema visits and playing computer games. In February I went on a skiing trip with the school to Quebec in Canada. I had previously taken skiing lessons at a winter sports facility, and was able to improve this skill during the visit. I jog and visit the gym regularly and cycle often. I enjoy reading and surfing the Internet. I was a member of the Scout Group from Beavers all the way through to Scouts, gaining many badges and a certificate of achievement

  I am physically fit and relish a challenge. I am generally well motivated and a good team player with the ability to get on well with people. I have a good sense of humour and make new friends quickly.



  Biochemistry Personal Statement

  The courses I am applying for are: Biochemistry/Sandwich Medical Biochemistry Physiology and Biochemistry Forensic Science The reasons for these choices are that I am studying both biology and chemistry at A Level and enjoy these two subjects the most and would like to combine them at higher education. The field of Forensic science is another area I would like to study as it is a fairly new subject area which is constantly changing and developing

  I find the chemistry side of biology the most interesting and the biology element in chemistry more appealing, because I can apply it to real life. The particular aspects of the A Level courses are genetics, physiology and enzymes. I am also studying A Level IT which aids data recording and analysis

  From the age of 13 I did a paper delivery round for three years and office administration for a local building contractor, for a weeks work experience. I am currently employed as a part time waiter at the Craythorne Golf Club and also work as a part time shop assistant at Budgens, a local supermarket. When I was younger I helped at the RSPCA walking dogs

  I have achieved a Bronze and Silver Award through the Duke of Edinburgh scheme. This has greatly developed my team building skills, as well as enabling me to progress on an individual basis. As I thoroughly enjoyed both the Bronze and Silver levels, I have decided to continue and hopully attain my Gold award

  My future plans are a career in the science field, where my special interests lie in Forensics, particularly out in the field, where I can expand my working knowledge and gain further skills





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