
2017-06-28 作者: 249阅读


  English Personal Statement

  For as long as I can remember I have been reading for pleasure alongside my academic studies and sharing my opinions on many of the books I read. This has developed into a deeply analytical approach to all literature, and I am always searching for more subtle details within books that convey not only the sentiments of the characters and narrator, but also the writer. For this reason I attended a practical criticism enrichment course at Bilborough College, through which I analysed a variety of texts including extracts from James Joyce&aposs &aposUlysses&apos, Virginia Woolf&aposs &aposTo the Lighthouse&apos and Meera Syal&aposs &aposAnita and Me&apos. The course extended my knowledge of free indirect discourse, irony and unreliable narrators. Through my choice of degree course I wish to continue to broaden my understanding of these and other techniques within a wide range of literary texts. I am currently reading Michael Alexander’s ‘A History of English Literature’, to give myself an overview of the development of English Literature from Medieval times to the present day. I feel that this is a valuable introduction to periods I have not yet studied, and will be usul to me as I make the transition from A Level to degree level study.

  From both a literary and dramatic perspective I greatly admire Shakespeare&aposs work. Of the Shakespeare plays I have formally studied, &aposA Midsummer Night&aposs Dream&apos has had the most impact on me; perhaps because it is the first I saw performed, and is also the play I now see most frequently. As a result of my enthusiasm for this text, I used Helena&aposs "How happy some o&aposer other..." speech for my Grade 6 Speech and Drama exam, with great success. As I read more about Shakespeare my insatiable appetite for his work increases. I am currently reading &aposTwo Gentlemen of Verona&apos, paying particular attention to whether even in this, his earliest play, his writing style is already fully formed, or whether it evolved as his works increased. I believe that it is for the most part formed: there are fewer, less elaborate flourishes in terms of imagery compared to his later plays, but there is still evidence of his wit and genius to be found.

  Since leaving college I have been working full time to save money to finance my degree. In addition, I have travelled extensively around the UK to broaden my life experience bore embarking upon my studies. Further to my employment, I write articles and review plays for the arts section of BBC Nottingham, to continue my development both as a reader and a critic. I have found that my work with the BBC has been of significant benit, cementing my desire to study literature with the aim of a potential career in journalism.

  In terms of personal characteristics, I am outgoing, vivacious and reliable, all qualities that will aid me throughout my university years and beyond. I work well both alone and as part of a group, and look forward to making the most of my time at university through full participation in both academic and extra-curricular opportunities.

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