
2017-06-28 作者: 363阅读



  Dear Sir or Madame,

  Mr. Guo Zhenyu has requested a letter of rerence from me to support his application for graduate studies at your esteemed university. As Dean of College of Food Science & Nutritional Engineering, I have engaged in lecture and research work in both biology and food technology for years at China Agricultural University. I have known Mr. Guo since he was an undergraduate at my university; and thus I am pleased to comply with his request.

  Mr. Guo studied Fundamental Biochemistry under me back in 2002. Under my supervision, I have found him to be an intelligent and diligent individual with a strong determination for success. As a student, he could digest the subject with ease and was able to gather the diversified materials required in order to make a comprehensive analysis within the context he had learned. During his four years with the university, Mr. Guo particularly enjoyed the more challenging areas of food science & engineering and obtained a very impressive track record in most of his courses. No doubt, his distinctive scores landed him as one of the top-3 students in his class. The thing that impressed me most was that Mr. Guo paid much attention to applying what he had learned into practice, proving that he is indeed a very gifted student with bright prospects towering both his career and future advanced learning plans.

  Upon his graduation in 2005, Mr. Guo has continued to keep in contact with me via email. This has enabled me to come to know about the impressive achievements he has accomplished throughout his career thus far. Mr. Guo stood out among 30,000 other candidates on his graduation day and was swiftly hired by Kraft Foods, one of the world’s leading Fortune 500 companies. He was first employed as a trainee and subsequently promoted to be a certified process engineer. After two years at Kraft Foods, Mr. Guo joined Hill & Knowlton, a world renowned public relations agency, currently holding the position of a Senior Account Executive. It gratifies me to hear of his success in career and I am proud to have had such an excellent student.

  I obtained my Doctorate twenty years ago and had engaged in post-doctoral research at the University of Bath, which was an unforgettable journey for me. Therore, I am very familiar with the advanced education system of the United Kingdom as well as its brilliant academic faculties. When Mr. Guo shared with me his desire to study abroad in Britain, I expressed my full support and encouraged him to work hard to achieve his goal.

  As a professor I greatly appreciate such an energetic and inquisitive, diligent and clever student. As a college director, I, hereby, with great personal pride, recommend this young man to you and pledge that he will bring to your university a new and rreshing view on research work. I sincerely hope that you will take his application into full consideration. Thank you.

  Yours sincerely,

  Luo Yunbo


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