
2017-06-27 作者: 650阅读

  申请专业:传统艺术 fine art

  Curiosity is the reason why I choose to study art. The exciting little journeys art takes me on when creating, the little stories that make up the mundanity of life. Studying art has made me more aware of the world around me.

  So far on my foundation course I have found myself maturing with materials,methodologies,techniques and thought processes. Learning to question the world around me, the curve in a road or more metaphorically as to why we accept that the only plausible milk to drink is cow’s milk.

  Interpreting what I see to be truth differently, allowing me to look at the world with a fresh pair of eyes. It’s the sheer freedom of interpretation.

  Concepts are my motivators, I discovered this when I exhibited my site specific piece which consisted of transforming a security desk into a Devonshire cake shop learning about space beyond the four white walls of a gallery and changed my nature as an artist shaping my work to fit a wider range of audiences. Subjects of my work are all inspired from more personal themes I often ponder over i.e. absence, love, mortality, death and significance (psychoanalysis), from these themes I then experiment how to materialise the idea further, mainly through installation and ready made. Transforming my concepts into pure physical form such as an installation is immensely rewarding for me as an artist. I really enjoy the interactive qualities an installation can have with an audience and its flexibility around space, this way of working ignites my inspiration continuously.

  My love for film, poetry and literature are the three that really work on an imaginative level for me personally and of course another contributing factor to the subjects of my work. I find inspiration in post 19th century English novels and poetry mainly female authors for example Jane Eyre, Emily Dickinson and Elizabeth Barratt Browning who all deal with the themes of love, death, and absence. I have also since being on the foundation read John Berger’s ‘And our faces, My heart, Bri as photos’ which consists of short pieces that borderland between essay, poem and story, addressing in prose and verse the big issues mortality, art and love it links with the concepts I aim to address in my work.

  Engaging in what happening within the art world today is also benicial to my work, living in London has given me ample opportunity to visit galleries/private views, attend art fairs such as First Thursday in the East End of London viewing better known artists such as Gavin Turk and George Shaw. Seeing contemporary work in the flesh is the most ficient way to embrace the art world today and learn more about the kind of art I want to create. Nina Danino a video installation artist is an influential contemporary to me; her work mixes psychoanalysis, art and experimental film with aspects of her cultural background – the mixed cultural, political and religious heritage of Gibraltar. Her work plays on real time making you overly aware of it passing by making her videos mainly consist of low action still shots.

  I am always looking for other ways to further my art aesthetically and conceptually and find that the next natural progression is on to a degree in fine art to gain a greater knowledge and understanding of art and my own work. Thereafter my ambition is to then gain recognition as an artist and hope my work is ever pushing the boundaries forward in the art world.


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