
2017-06-27 作者: 403阅读



  Ph.D. Information Transfer. Syracuse University, New York, 2003


  The Construction, Use, and Evaluation of a Lexical Knowledge Base for English-Chinese Cross Language Information Retrieval

  Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth D. Liddy

  M.S. Information Science. Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 1995


  Building an Automatic Indexing Expert System for Accessing Scientific Documents

  Advisor: Prof. Jingfang Xue

  B.S. Information Science. Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 1988

  Professional Experience

  1/2004 – Current. Assistant Professor, School of Library and Information Sciences, University of North Texas

  5/2000 – 12/2003. Research Analyst, Center for Natural Language Processing, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University

  8/1999 – 4/2000. Graduate Assistant, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University

  4/1995 –8/1998. Research Associate, Information Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, Beijing, China

  6/1988 –3/1995. Research Assistant, Wuhan Documentation and Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China

  Research Interests

  Intelligent Information Access: Cross-Language Information Retrieval, Automatic Question Answering

  Natural Language Processing: Information Extraction, Chinese Information Processing

  Digital Libraries: Automatic Metadata Generation, Automatic Classification and Clustering

  Information Systems Design & Analysis: Web Database Systems, Information Systems Evaluation and Usability Studies


  SLIS 5970.001/002/005: Data Modeling for Information Professionals

  SLIS 5717.001: Dynamic WWW Control Structures

  SLIS 5900: Special Problems on Cross Language Information Retrieval

  SLIS 5910.704: Information Retrieval Interaction

  SLIS 6900.712: Special Problems on Automatic Question Answering

  SLIS 6900.710: Special Problems on Cross Language Information Retrieval







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  Chen, Jiangping (2006). A lexical knowledge base approach for English-Chinese cross-language information retrieval. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(2), 233-243.

  Chen, Jiangping; Li, Rowena; Yu, Ping; Ge, He; Chin, Pok; Li, Fei and Xuan, Cong. (2005). Chinese QA and CLQA: NTCIR-5 QA experiments at UNT. Proceedings of NTCIR-5 workshop, Tokyo, Japan, December 2005.Available at: http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/workshop/OnlineProceedings5/data/CLQA/NTCIR5-CLQA-ChenJ.pdf.

  Chen, Jiangping; Li, Rowena and Li, Fei. (2005). Chinese information retrieval using Lemur: NTCIR-5 CIR experiments at UNT. Proceedings of NTCIR-5 workshop, Tokyo, Japan, December 2005. Available at: http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/workshop/OnlineProceedings5/data/CLIR/NTCIR5-CLIR-ChenJ.pdf

  Chen, Jiangping (2005). Toward a unified retrieval outcome analysis framework for cross-language information retrieval. Online proceedings of 2005 annual conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Charlotte, North Carolina. October 30-November 1, 2005.

  Diekema, Anne & Chen, Jiangping (2005). Experimenting with the automatic assignment of educational standards to digital library content. Proceedings of 2005 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Denver, Colorado, June 7-11, 2005.

  Chen, Jiangping (2005). Establishing your own knowledge base for rerence service. Contributed Paper for Texas Library Association Annual Conference, April 5-8, Austin, TX.

  Chen. Jiangping; Ge, He; Wu, Yan and Jiang, Shikun. (2004). UNT at TREC 2004: question answering combining multiple evidences. Online Proceedings of TREC 2004. Available at: http://trec.nist.gov/pubs/trec13/papers/unorthtexas.qa.pdf.

  Diekema, Anne; Yilmazel, Ozgur; Chen, Jiangping; Harwell, Sarah, He, L. & Liddy, Elizabeth D. (2004). Finding Answers to Complex Questions. In Maybury, M.(Ed.) New Directions in Question Answering. AAAI-MIT Press. 141-152.

  Chen, Jiangping (2003). The construction, use, and evaluation of a lexical knowledge base for English-Chinese cross language information retrieval. PhD dissertation. Syracuse University.

  Diekema, Anne; Yilmazel, Ozgur; Chen, Jiangping; Harwell, Sarah and Liddy, Elizabeth D. (2003) What do you mean? Finding answers to complex questions. AAAI Spring Symposium: New Directions in Question Answering 2003: 87-93.

  Hsiao, Wenyuan; Chen, Jiangping; and Liddy, Elizabeth, D. (2003). A Web application for English-Chinese Cross Language Patent Retrieval. In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Angers-France.

  Diekema, Anne; Chen, Jiangping; McCracken, Nancy; Yilmazel, Ozgur and Liddy, Elizabeth D. (2002). Question answering: CNLP at the TREC-11 question answering track. In: Proceedings of 11th Text REtrieval Conference.

  Qin, Jian and Chen, Jiangping (2002). Integration of a resource-oriented vocabulary with knowledge-oriented vocabulary system. Journal of Academic Libraries, 20(2), 2-8.

  Chen, Jiangping; Diekema, Anne; Taffet, Mary; McCracken, Nancy; Yilmazel, Ozgur and Liddy, Elizabeth D. (2002). Question answering: CNLP at the TREC-10 question answering track. Proceedings of 10th Text REtrieval Conference, 485-494.

  Qin, Jian and Chen, Jiangping (2001). A multi-layered, multi-dimensional representation of digital educational resources. IFLA satellite Conference on Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment. Ohio, August, 2001.

  Diekema, Anne; Liu, Xiaoyong; Chen, Jiangping; Wang, Hudong; McCracken, Nancy; Yilmazel, Ozgur and Liddy, Elizabeth D. (2001). Question answering: CNLP at the TREC-9 question answering track. Proceedings of 9th Text REtrieval Conference, 412-421.

  Chen, Jiangping (1996). Distributed database systems and their applications. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 29-31, No. 3.

  Chen, Jiangping (1995). Enhancing the usability of document databases---design, implementation, and service. Proceedings of Symposium on Information Database Construction, p159-166.

  Chen, Jiangping (1995). Automatic indexing expert system for scientific documents: Abstract of Thesis. Library & Information, No. 3.

  Xue, Jingfang and Chen, Jiangping (1992). Chinese documentary database of spectroscopy and atomic molecular physics: abstracts. CODATA BULLETIN Scientific Program and Abstracts, Proceedings of 13th International CODATA Conference, p124, Vol. 24, No. 2 .

  Chen, Jiangping (1991). The construction issues of domain-specific abstract database systems. Paper presented at the first workshop of Library and Information Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan Branch. November, 2001, Wuhan, China.

  Xue, Jingfang; Duan, Shouchang and Chen, Jiangping (1991). Subject indexing practice for constructing a domain-specific documentary database. Information Professional Research, 36-38, No. 1.







  直接获取澳际顾问的咨询服务点击进入 >>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询! 或联系QQ客服: ,也可以通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。

  Conference Presentations, Talks, and Posters

  Chen, Jiangping (2005). Toward a unified retrieval outcome analysis framework for cross language information retrieval. Presented at ASIST’05 Annual Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina. October 30-November 1, 2005.

  Liddy, Elizabeth D.; Chen, Jiangping; Finneran, Christina M.; Diekema, Anne R.; Harwell, Sarah C.; Yilmazel, Ozgur. (2005). A Retrospective on Generating & Evaluating Automatic Metadata for Educational Resources: A Holistic Program (poster).9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2005) September 18-23, 2005 Vienna, Austria.

  Chen, Jiangping (2005). Information access across languages. Informal Talk at the School of Library and Information Sciences, University of North Texas. April 13, 2005.

  Chen, Jiangping (2005). Establishing Your Own Knowledge Base for Rerence Service. Presented at: Texas Library Association Annual Conference, April 5-8, Austin, TX.

  Chen, Jiangping (2005). CLIR and CLQA using available linguistic resources and NLP tools - our participation in NTCIR-5. Talk at the meeting of UNT Language and Information Technologies Research Group, April 1, 2005.

  Chen. Jiangping. (2004). UNT at TREC 2004: question answering combining multiple evidences. Poster presented at 2004 Text Retrieval Conference (TREC), Gaithersburg, MD, November, 16-19.

  Chen, Jiangping (2004). Please give me the answers, not documents! - Automatic Question Answering (QA) using Natural Language Processing (NLP). Informal Talk at the School of Library and Information Sciences, University of North Texas. March 31, 2004.

  Diekema, Anne, Chen, Jiangping and Liddy, Elizabeth D. (2003). Standard Connection. Poster presented at 2003 National Science Digital Library All Projects Meeting, Washington, DC., November 2003.

  Chen, Jiangping and Diekema, Anne. (2003). Current Progress in Automatic Question Answering: Challenge or Opportunity? Presented at ASIST Annual Conference, Long Beach, California. October, 2003.

  Chen, Jiangping. (2003). Award-winning dissertation proposal: the construction, use, and evaluation of a lexical knowledge base for English-Chinese cross language information retrieval: Presented at ASIS&T Annual Conference, Long Beach, California. October, 2003.

  Chen, Jiangping (2003). Research on the lexical knowledge base approach for cross language information retrieval. Poster presented at 2003 ALISE Annual Conference, Philadelphia, January, 2003.

  Chen, Jiangping; Diekema, Anne and Liddy, Elizabeth D. (2002). Standard Connection. Poster presented at 2002 National Science Digital Library All Projects Meeting, Washington, DC., November 2002.

  Chen, Jiangping; Diekema, Anne; Yilmazel, Ozgur and Liddy, Elizabeth D. (2002). Automatic question and answering in aerospace domain. Presented at the 4th International VRD Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 2002.

  Zhang, Ping and Chen, Jiangping (1999). What is Web Usability Anyway? -A Conceptual Study on Usability in the Web Environment. presented at Mid-year conference of ASIS, May 1999.

  Technical Reports

  Chen, Jiangping. (2002). English-Chinese Cross Language Patent Retrieval System: Project Report. Center for Natural Language Processing, Syracuse University.

  Liu, Xiaoyong; Diekema, Anne; Chen, Jiangping; Wang, Hudong. (2000). "CNLP TREC9 Q&A Efforts: A Summary of Approach And System Documentation." Final report to Center for Natural Language Processing, Syracuse University

  Luo, Zengyu; Chen, Jiangping (1997). A new approach to document organization. Research report. Information Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, Report Number: QB97-004.

  Professional and Academic Association Membership

  1988 – 1998 China Society for Scientific and Technical Information (CSSTI)

  1999 - American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T)

  2002 - Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

  2003 - Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE)







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  2005 Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, University of North Texas

  2003 ISI/ASIS&T Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award

  2000-2001 Graduate Fellowship, Syracuse University

  1998-1999 Graduate Fellowship, Syracuse University


  2006 PI, “The development of ‘Introduction to Intelligent Information Access’ as a blended course”, Learning Enhancement Grant, University of North Texas, $8,000.

  2005 PI, (Co-PI: Dr. William E. Moen), “Authors@Your Library Web Database System”, Association of American Publishers, $11, 220.

  2005 PI, “The development of SLIS 5970 Database Modeling and Design for Information Professionals as a Web-based Course”. Learning Enhancement Grant, University of North Texas, $6,748.

  2005 PI, “Combining Web Mining and Information Extraction for Cross Language Information Retrieval”, Junior Faculty Research Grant, University of North Texas, $3,000.

  Proposals Submitted but not Funded

  2005 PI, “CAREER: Cross Language Question Answering Combining Lexical, Syntactic, and Semantic Evidences with Maximum Entropy Models” submitted to NSF, not funded.

  2004 Co-PI, (PI: Dr. Anne R. Diekema, Co-PI: Dr. Elizabeth D. Liddy), “REFLEX-LEX: A Methodology for Combinatory Lexical Resources” in respond to Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) 04-01-FH, not funded.

  Service to the Profession

  2005 Reviewer, Conference on Design for User eXperience (dux2005), Fort Mason, San Francisco, CA.

  2004 Reree, Journal of Natural Language Engineering, Special issue on Parallel Texts

  2004 Reree, ITIE (Information Technology in Education) 2004 International Conference

  2004 Student Chapter of the Year, ASIS&T

  Service to the Organization

  2005-2006 Faculty Advisor, UNT & TWU Chinese Students and Scholars Association

  2005-2006 Committee on Committees, School of Library and Information Sciences, UNT

  2005-2006 Curriculum Committee, School of Library and Information Sciences, UNT

  2004-2005 Co-Chair, Curriculum Committee, School of Library and Information Sciences, UNT

  2004-2005 Co-Chair, COA Curriculum Working Group, School of Library and Information Sciences, UNT

  2004-2005 COA Student Working Group, School of Library and Information Sciences, UNT

  2004 Information Technology Knowledge & Skills Committee, School of Library and Information Sciences, UNT

  2002 - 2003 Search Committee, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University

  1999 - 2000 Ph.D. Admission Committee, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University







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