
2017-06-27 作者: 2300阅读

  Statement of Purpose

  At present, the world has 17 international hotel management groups to invest high-star hotel in Shanghai, and hotel of Beijing will reach 800 within three years. As the hotel industry are continuing to expand, the demand for hotel management talent are ever increasing. In China, it need to Thousands of international hotel management talents every year. It is this that attracts me to hotel management as a career because although am aware of the many pressures and demands I would be facing, the sense of achievement and the knowledge that I would be making contribution to my country in the future would be of great personal reward to me!

  I first encountered hotel management during work experience with a local hotel, working as a tourist manager assistant in July 2008.It was a summer job which was supposed to fill up my free time and increase my budget. I knew I was going to like it because I am keen on meeting new people and visiting tourist destinations, but I did not even suspect how much it would affect me. As an assistant I was required to help the tourist manager accommodate the guests and organize different kinds of entertainment. This job gave me opportunity to become acquainted with the work of such people as hotel, club and event managers. I was deeply impressed by their diligence to satisfy every need of their customers. I have realized the responsibility of their profession, but I have also understood how satisfied they are when their clients are happy. I will never forget the face of the tourist manager I worked with when the guests thanked him for the perfect holiday. His face was beaming. Despite the fact I was only an assistant I felt satisfaction too seeing that the tourists were content with our work. This feeling of gratification and even happiness more driven me decide to study Hospitality management.

  In 2007, with my academic performance of high school, especially three years average point of math in high school were approximately 90(full score was 100),among the best in class, I entered Hebei university of Engineering. In fact, when I graduated from high school, I wanted to go to study in America. Because of living with my parents from birth to high school graduation, and without having anyone around to advise me about the new abroad life I will face, I was afraid and not fully ready to figure out everything by myself. This changed, however, during my time at the HeBei University of Engineering. I achieved a G.P.A. of 3.5 during my first academic year and second academic year, and am confident that this third academic year&aposs results will be even better. It is more important that I can deal with everything by myself. Besides my coursework, I joined the Student Art Troupe and Dancer, where I organized and participated various school wide parties, Art Festivals and dancing performances. I also participated in several community service activities, including the Visited Autism Children in Rehabilitation Center, Cared for the Elderly in HanShan Community planting tree in GuangMing Square and so on.

  I also developed many extracurricular hobbies .I started to like reading, which largely enriches my knowledge in many different fields. A Bri History of Time by Stephen Hawking is one of my favorite books. I loved music and was mastered in piano. When fretting, I would listen to some soft music then my heart could clam down; when tired, I would enjoy some classic music or jazz to relax myself; when playing Beethoven’s music by piano, I feel encouraged and moved. I also spend much of my spared time in sports especially basketball and soccer, in which teamwork are highly involved.

  The success of these two years instilled within me a drive to improve myself, prompting me to seek greater challenges and rewards; I am now ready for the path to academic excellence and figure out everything by myself. I have become a very ambitious and hard-working student, and the Johnson and Wales University is ideal for my needs.I believe Johnson and Wales University will provide me with the perfect atmosphere for bettering my life and my creative abilities. And it will offer me much more than an education. It also will offer me the opportunity to learn how to be an individual who can fulfill society&aposs needs both now and in the future. When I think of Johnson and Wales University, the aspects that most impress me and fan my desire to immerse myself in this prestigious learning environment are JWU’s excellent resources. It has an outstanding undergraduate program. Its environment is conducive to learning and growing. In addition to having some of the most recognized and lauded faculty in world, JWU is committed to maintaining a diverse student population. As person of Chinese heritage who grew up in China, and is now planning to embark on my university studies in the United States, I see this commitment to diversity as an essential element.

  My ambition for the future is to become a fully qualified manager and to work my way up in a large five star hotel or seven star hotel to become a hotel Manager. I have read many case studies of people who have achieved this and I am working hard in order to gain the skills and knowledge these successful hotel managers have. And, I am absolutely committed to becoming a successful manager and will work endlessly in order to achieve my goals.





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