
2017-06-26 作者: 173阅读


  世界上最好的17所大学——从表演艺术到考古学,出国留学,去往国外留学,商业内幕网站(BUSINESS INSIDER)日前根据英国(Quacquarelli Symonds)QS世界大学学科排名发布The world's 17 best universities by subject — from performing arts to archaeology(世界上最好的17所大学——从表演艺术到考古学)。


  荷兰瓦赫宁恩的大学Wageningen University (1) —

  Located in the Dutch town of Wageningen, around 50 miles from the capital, Amsterdam, this university is paradise for students wanting to study degrees related to agriculture and forestry.

  英国皇家艺术学院Royal College of Art (1) —

  For the second consecutive year, London's RCA is the best place on earth to study art and design focused subjects.

  美国南加州大学University of Southern California (1) —

  USC ranks first in QS’ ranking for doing a degree in communications and media studies. The school also excels at varsity sports.

  中国香港大学University of Hong Kong (1) —

  If you want to spend your life ensuring people have a mouth full of perfect, white teeth, then the University of Hong Kong is the place to go. QS ranks it as the best school in the world when it comes to a dentistry degree. The university was the best in the world for dentistry last year as well.

  瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院ETH, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (1) —

  ETH is home to the best degree programme for students wanting to study earth and marine sciences. The university boasts more than 20 Nobel Prizes, and once educated perhaps the world’s most famous scientist, Albert Einstein.

  英国伦敦大学学院University College London (1) —

  QS ranks UCL’s Institute of Education as the best place on earth to study for a degree in education. It currently has over 4,000 students studying for a variety of education-based degrees.

  英国拉夫堡大学Loughborough University (1) —

  In the UK, Loughborough has a reputation for being incredibly good at student sport, as well as the teaching of sports science. That reputation is also global, with QS ranking it as the best university of earth for sport-related subjects.

  美国加州大学伯克利分校University of California, Berkeley (1) —

  Often regarded as the academic pinnacle of the University of California, Berkeley is located just across the bay from tech hub San Francisco. However, it’s not technology based subjects where Berkeley excels. QS ranks it as the best university in the world for studying environmental sciences for another year, having topped the same category in 2016.

  美国内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校University of Nevada, Las Vegas (1) —

  Las Vegas is famous for one thing, and one thing only, entertainment. It is perhaps unsurprising then that its university is the best in the world for the teaching of subjects related to hospitality.

  美国科罗拉多矿业学院Colorado School of Mines (1) —

  Given it’s name it’s probably not surprising that the university excels when it comes to mining and mineral engineering, where it is ranked as the best university in the world. It is located in the town of Golden, Colorado.

  美国宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania (1) —

  Located in Philadelphia, home of the Liberty Bell, Penn, as it is known, is top of QS’ rankings when it comes to getting an education in nursing.

  美国茱莉亚学院The Juilliard School (1) —

  New York's Juilliard School is the most famous and best place on earth to study performing arts like drama, musical theatre, and dance.

  美国匹兹堡大学University of Pittsburgh (1) —

  Another school to excel in a single subject for consecutive years, Pittsburgh is the go-to destination for philosophy students globally.

  美国加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校University of California, Davis (1) —

  Just outside the city of Sacramento, Davis is one of the 10 constituent campuses of the University of California. It’s the place to go if you want to become a vet, ranking first of any university on earth for another year after topping the same category in 2016.

  牛津大学Oxford University (4) —

  Last year the UK rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge was pretty close, but in 2017,Cambridge failed to top a single category, meaning that Oxford runs out comfortable winner. Among the subjects where it is best in the world is English Language and Literature.

  美国麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology (12) —

  Topping the chart in everything from architecture to mechanical engineering, MIT truly is one of the world's global elite universities, and probably the best place on earth to study science.

  美国哈佛大学Harvard University (15) —

  Harvard is the best university in the world for almost a third of the 46 subjects listed by QS, including heavy hitters like law, business & management, and political & international studies.


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