
2017-06-21 作者: 305阅读















①《白鹿原上奏响一支老腔》记述老腔的演出每每 撼人肺腑 ,令人有一种 酣畅淋漓 的感觉。某种意义上,老腔已超越了其艺术形式本身,成为了一种象征。请以 老腔 何以令人震撼 为题,写一篇议论文。


②请展开想象、以 神奇的书签 为题,写一篇记叙文。要求:表现爱读书、读好书的主题;有细节,有描写。


随着现代社会的发展,人们的生活更容易进入大众视野,评价他人生活变得越来越常见,这些评价对个人和社会的影响也越来越大。人们对 评价他人的生活 这种现象的看法不尽相同,请写一篇文章,谈谈你对这种现象的思考。要求:(1)自拟题目;(2)不少于800字。


网上购物,视频聊天,线上娱乐,已成为当下很多人生活中不可或缺的一部分。业内人士指出,不远的将来,我们只需在家里安装VR(虚拟现实)设备,便可以足不出户地穿梭于各个虚拟场景:时而在商店的衣帽间里试穿新衣,时而在足球场上观看比赛,时而化身为新闻事件的 现场目击者 当虚拟世界中的 虚拟 越来越成为现实世界中的 现实 时,是选择拥抱这个新世界,还是刻意远离,或者与它保持适当距离?对材料提出的问题,你有怎样的思考?写一篇不少于800字的论述类文章。


俗话说 有话则长,无话则短 ,也有人说 有话则短,无话则长 ,无话的时候也要说出自己的见解。在这个时代,是彰显个性还是提倡创新?以此为题材,写800字作文。






在阅读方式多元化的今天,你可以通过手机、电脑等电子设备,在宽广无垠的网络空间中汲取知识;你可以借助多媒体技术, 悦读 有形有色、有声有像的中外名著;你也可以继续手捧传统的纸质书本,享受在墨海书香中与古圣今贤对话的乐趣 当代青年渴求新知,眼界开阔,个性鲜明,在阅读方式的选择上不拘一格。请围绕自己的阅读方式,结合个人的体验和思考,谈谈 我的青春阅读 。

要求:①自选角度,自拟标题; ②文体不限(诗歌除外),文体特征鲜明; ③不少于800字; ④不得抄袭,不得套作。




首先,我们来关注一下SAT写作考试的出题形式。一般来说,SAT 作文题目由Prompt (背景)+ Assignment (任务,题目)这两部分组成。Prompt 是给考生提供理解Assignment 的线索,而Assignment 中的问题则是在作文中要回答的。

由于SAT考试是针对高中生升大学的考试,因此写作话题不需要具备单项的专业背景知识,但话题涉及范围却非常广泛,包括文学、艺术、运动、政治、技术、科学、历史及时事。值得学生注意的是,SAT 的Official Guide 中清楚地说明了The essay readers are not looking for one correct viewpoint 。所以有些考生企图竭力寻找一个观点,借此讨好阅卷老师,这种做法是没有意义,也是浪费时间的。你选择什么样的立场其实并不重要,重要的是你能否做到运用简洁清晰恰当的例子,推理论证你持有的观点。专家提醒大家要注意SAT写作过程中的这些知识点,参加一些SAT写作培训班是最好不过的,还要多练习SAT写作真题。


以下是考场文章的回忆版,Prompt对文章主旨的定义是:The sculptures of the Parthenon should be returned to Greece:

The great classicist A. W. Lawrence (illegitimate younger brother of the even more famously illegitimate T.E. of Arabia ) once remarked of the Parthenon that it is the one building in the world which may be assessed as absolutely right.

Not that the beauty and symmetry of the Parthenon have not been abused and perverted and mutilated. Five centuries after the birth of Christianity the Parthenon was closed and desolated. It was then converted into a Christian church, bore being transformed a thousand years later into a mosque complete with minaret at the southwest corner after the Turkish conquest of the Byzantine Empire. Turkish forces also used it for centuries as a garrison and an arsenal, with the tragic result that in 1687, when Christian Venice attacked the Ottoman Turks, a powder magazine was detonated and huge damage inflicted on the structure. Most horrible of all, perhaps, the Acropolis was made to fly a Nazi flag during the German occupation of Athens.

The damage done by the ages to the building, and by past empires and occupations, cannot all be put right. But there is one desecration and dilapidation that can at least be partially undone. Early in the 19th century, Britain s ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Lord Elgin, sent a wrecking crew to the Turkish-occupied territory of Greece, where it sawed off approximately half of the adornment of the Parthenon and carried it away. As with all things Greek, there were three elements to this, the most lavish and beautiful sculptural treasury in human history. Under the direction of the artistic genius Phidias, the temple had two massive pediments decorated with the figures of Pallas Athena, Poseidon, and the gods of the sun and the moon. It then had a series of 92 high-reli panels, or metopes, depicting a succession of mythical and historical battles. The most intricate element was the frieze, carved in bas-reli, which showed the gods, humans, and animals that made up the annual Pan-Athens procession: there were 192 equestrian warriors and auxiliaries featured, which happens to be the exact number of the city s heroes who fell at the Battle of Marathon. Experts differ on precisely what story is being told here, but the frieze was quite clearly carved as a continuous narrative. Except that half the cast of the tale is still in Bloomsbury, in London, having been sold well below cost by Elgin to the British government in 1816 for $2.2 million in today s currency to pay off his many debts.

There has been a bitter argument about the legitimacy of the British Museum s deal. I ve written a whole book about this controversy and won t oppress you with all the details, but would just make this one point. If the Mona Lisa had been sawed in two during the Napoleonic Wars and the separated halves had been acquired by different museums in, say, St. Petersburg and Lisbon, would there not be a general wish to see what they might look like if re-united? If you think my analogy is overdrawn, consider this: the body of the goddess Iris is at present in London, while her head is in Athens. The front part of the torso of Poseidon is in London, and the rear part is in Athens. And so on. This is grotesque.

It is unfortunately true that the city allowed itself to become very dirty and polluted in the 20th century, and as a result the remaining sculptures and statues on the Parthenon were nastily eroded by acid rain. The Greeks have been living up to their responsibilities. Beginning in 1992, the endangered marbles were removed from the temple, given carul cleaning with ultraviolet and infra-red lasers, and placed in a climate-controlled interior. Alas, they can never all be repositioned on the Parthenon itself, because, though the atmospheric pollution is now better controlled, Lord Elgin s goons succeeded in smashing many of the entablatures that held the sculptures in place. That leaves us with the next-best thing, which turns out to be rather better than one had hoped. About a thousand feet southeast of the temple, the astonishing new Acropolis Museum will open on June 20. With 10 times the space of the old repository, it will be able to display all the marvels that go with the temples on top of the hill. Most important, it will be able to show, for the first time in centuries, how the Parthenon sculptures looked to the citizens of old.

The British may continue in their constipated fashion to cling to what they have so crudely amputated, but the other museums and galleries of Europe have seen the artistic point of re-unification and restored to Athens what was looted in the years when Greece was denseless. The Acropolis Museum has hit on the happy idea of exhibiting, for as long as following that precedent is too much to hope for, its own original sculptures with the London-held pieces represented by beautifully copied casts. And it creates a natural thirst to see the actual re-assembly completed. So, far from emptying or weakening a museum, this controversy has instead created another one, which is destined to be among Europe s finest galleries. And one day, surely, there will be an agreement to do the right thing by the world s most right structure.

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