
2017-06-20 作者: 204阅读

Are there many public gardens in your hometown? Important?

What do you think are the benits of having gardens in the city?

Do these gardens play the same role for old people, young people and children?

Which do you think is more important, public gardens or private gardens?


How old were you when you started school?

What were some of the most popular activities at primary school?

Have you ever returned to see your old school again?

Are you still in contact with any of the friends you had in primary school?


Do you often sing, when?

What kinds of music do you like to sing?

Is it difficult to sing well?

Do you want to be a singer?

Would you like to learn more about singing in the future?

Study Efficiency

Do you prer to study in the morning or in the evening?

Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?

What do you do to improve your learning ficiency?


Do you like swimming?

Is it difficult to learn how to swim?

Where do Chinese like to go swimming?

What s the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea?


What s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?

How often do you take buses?

Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

Is driving to work very popular in your country?

What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?


Do you like walking?

Do you like to walk on your own or with others?

Would you say your city is a good place for walking?


Are there many advertisements in your country?

Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

What are the various places where we see advertisements?

How do you feel about advertisements?

Being in a hurry

When was the last time you did something in a hurry?

Do you like to finish things quickly?

What kinds of things will you never do in a hurry?

Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?


Who is your favorite celebrity in China?

Do you like any foreign celebrities?

Would you like to be a celebrity in the future?

Do you think we should protect famous people s privacy?

How do celebrities influence their fans in China?


How often do you eat chocolate?

What s your favorite flavor?

Is chocolate expensive in China?

When was the first time you ate chocolate?

Is chocolate popular in China?


Do you like flowers, why?

What flowers do you like, why?

Do you think flowers are important?

What are the occasions when people give or receive flowers?


Do you like collecting things made by hand?

Did you ever take handcrafts lessons at school?

Are handcrafts popular in China?

Do you think children should learn more about handcrafts?

Do you think handcrafts are meaningful activities?

Emails and Letters

Do you write many letters or emails?

Do you prer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?

What are the differences between emails and letters?

What kinds of letter or email do you think is the hardest to write?

How do you feel when you receive a letter or email?


Do you like to wear hats?

What kinds of hats do you have?

Where do you like to buy hats?

Is wearing hats very popular in your country?

Mobile phone

How often do you use your mobile phone?

Can you describe your mobile phone?

What was your first mobile phone?

Would you buy a new one in the future?

How has your mobile phone changed your life?


Are there many museums in your hometown? Important?

Do you often visit a museum?

Did you go to any museums when you were a child?

When was the last time you visited a museum?

Do you think it s suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?


Do you like reading books? Why or why not?

What kinds of books do you like to read?

Did you read much when you were a child? (What kinds of books)

For children, what do you think are the benits of reading?

Public Holidays

What public holidays do you have in your country?

Do you like public holidays? Favorite? Important?

Do the people in your country celebrate Christmas?

What would you like to do during the next holiday?


How often do you ride bicycles?

Is it difficult to learn how to ride a bicycle?

Is it popular to ride bicycles in your country?

When was the last time you used your bicycle?

Do you think bicycle is very convenient for people to use in modern life?

How would you teach your children how to ride a bicycle?


How often do you dance?

Is dancing difficult to learn?

Would you learn dancing in the future?

Where do Chinese people like to go dancing?

Did you like to dance when you were a child?


Are interesting methods helpful to students study?

Do you prer strict teachers or interesting teachers?

What measures can be taken to make students like the subject that they are not

interested in?


Do you like visitors coming to your home?.

How often do you have visitors to your home?

When someone visits you, how do you usually show hospitality?

Do you bring gifts when you visit others?

下期小新和你一起准备哈尔滨雅思考点Part 2 和Part 3!




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