2017-06-20 163阅读
留学这件事,真的是 错过一次,再等一年! ,稍有迟疑,可能就会与最适合你的院校、专业失之交臂。
千万别错过!傲娇的英国,院校申请亦是如此,没有一个固定的申请截止日期,采取的是Rolling Admission制度,即先到先得。何时截止取决于申请量、录取量和回复量。如果名额已满,就会提早截止。英国大学会在每年的9月开始陆续开放次年的申请,每收到一批offer,就会进行审核,从这一批申请者中筛选出符合条件的发放一批offer,以此类推,直到offer全部发完。同时,澳际顾问指出,从开始筹备准备材料到递交申请,一般需要2-3周的时间,递交申请后,校方对学生材料的受理周期在6-8周。所以打算到的学生一定要尽早准备、申请,否则即使你的背景再优秀,学校的offer要是发完了,也只能 望校兴叹 了。澳际留学顾问为同学们收集整理了截至2017年2月21日已截止或即将截止申请的大学及课程。汇总如下:
MSc Accounting, Governance and Financial Management FT;MSc Finance and Accounting;MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management
MA Education (International);MSc Human Resource Management (Int l Dev);MSc Finance and Business Economics 此专业2017年不开放;MSc International Fashion Retailing;MSc International Fashion Retailing (Multichannel Marketing);MSc International Fashion Retailing (Business Process Improvement);MSc ACS: Computer Security;MSc ACS: Computer Systems Engineering;MSc ACS: Advanced Web Technologies;MSc ACS: Artificial Intelligence;MSc ACS: Computer Systems Engineering;MSc ACS: Data and Knowledge Management;MSc ACS: Digital Biology;MSc ACS: Multi-Core Computing;MSc ACS: Semantic Technologies;MSc ACS: Software Engineering
MSc Accounting and Finance;MSc Finance and Investment;MSc Accounting, Finance and Management;MSc Economics, Accounting and Finance;MSc Economics, Finance and Management
MSc International Financial Management;MSc International Business Management
MSc Accounting;All MSc Finance programmes;All MSc Management programmes
Psychology (both the 3 and 4 year programme);International Management;Social Work;Foundations Degree Addictions Counselling;(Management and Engineering课程也即将关闭申请)
商学院以下课程将于3月关闭申请MSc Management;MSc Management and Finance;MSc Project Management
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