2017-06-20 280阅读
贝德福德大学(Bedfordshire)和南安普顿索伦特大学(Southampton Solent) 开设了足球研究专业( BA in football studies)。
新白金汉郡大学(Buckinghamshire New University)开设了足球商业和市场专业( BA in football business and marketing )。
格林威治大学(University of Greenwich),安格利亚鲁斯金大学(University of Anglia Ruskin),萨弗克大学(University of Suffolk),南威尔士大学(University of South Wales )开设了以足球为核心的体育科学专业(BSc degrees in sports science )
伦敦大学伯贝克学院 (Birkbeck University of London)开设了体育管理和足球商业等专业课程(MSc in sports management and the business of football)。
英国利物浦大学(University of Liverpool)开设了足球产业研究专业(MA in football industry studies)。
一些人或许会对这些开设的课程持怀疑的态度,但Ellis Cashmore却确信这些课程应该在校园占有一席之地。
哦,Ellis Cashmore是Studying Football 的作者,是阿斯顿大学( Aston University)的社会学客座教授。
If you gauge the value of academic study by the impact on culture, politics, the economy and society generally over a sustained period, then football deserves to be studied,
If you take a more pragmatic approach, you d argue that there are about 600,000 jobs in football and analogous industries and that puts it among the likes of engineering and the NHS as one of the key employment sectors.
Football studies are part of that adaptation: they might seem faddish, but think of how football today intersects with so many other issues like globalisation, racism, gender, violence, and, of course, the international media. These are all vital constituents of an education.
Like it or not, football is a staple part of contemporary society and, as such, demands that we study it.
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