
2017-06-16 作者: 646阅读

1 卡迪夫学院Cardiff Sixth Form College(Cardiff, UK)

2 麦克米伦学院Magdalen College School(Oxford, UK)

3 北伦敦学院学校North London Collegiate School(London Borough of Harrow, UK)

4 詹姆斯艾伦女子学校James Allen s Girls School(London Borough of Southwark, UK)

5 埃琳诺霍莉斯夫人学校The Lady Eleanor Holles School(London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, UK)

6 圣奥尔本斯女子中学St. Albans High School For Girls(St Albans, UK)

7 法恩伯勒山学校Farnborough Hill School(Rushmoor, UK)

8 圣斯威辛学校(温彻斯特)St Swithun s School, Winchester(Winchester, UK)

9 威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls School(Manchester, UK)

10 皇家文理学校(吉尔福德)Royal Grammar School, Guildford(Guildford, UK)

10 圣海伦和圣凯瑟琳学校St Helen and St Katharine(Vale of White Horse, UK)

12 亨丽埃塔·巴尼特学校The Henrietta Barnett School(London Borough of Barnet, UK)

13 高登芬与赖特梅尔学校The Godolphin Latymer School(London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, UK)

14 阿贝,学校The,Abbey,School(Reading,UK)

15 牛津中学,Oxford,High,School,GDST(Oxford,UK)

16 伦敦城学校City of London School(City of London, UK)

17 布莱顿学院,Brighton,College(Brighton,UK)

18 奥特林厄姆女子文法学校Altrincham Grammar School for Girls(Trafford, UK)

19 培特文法学校Pate s Grammar School(Cheltenham, UK)

20 威廉珀金斯爵士学校Sir William Perkins s School(Runnymede, UK)

21 瑞丁中学Reading,School(Reading,UK)

22 钱宁学校Channing School(London Borough of Camden, UK)

23 诺丁山与伊令中学Notting Hill Ealing High School GDST(London Borough of Ealing, UK)

24 普特尼中学Putney High School GDST(London Borough of Wandsworth, UK)

25 诺丁汉女子高中Nottingham Girls HIgh School GDST(Nottingham, UK)

26 科利顿文法学校Colyton Grammar School(East Devon District, UK)

27 贝勒比斯学院-剑桥校区Bellerbys College Cambridge(Cambridge, UK)

27 坎福德学校,Canford,School(Poole,UK)

29 贾德学校The Judd School(Tonbridge and Malling, UK)

30 拉夫堡中学Loughborough High School(Loughborough, UK)



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