
2017-06-16 作者: 48阅读





All Tier 4 Decisions are being made in the UK.

The UK Home Office (UKVI) has moved all of the TIER 4 Visa application decision making to the UKVI Tier 4 unit in Shfield. The UKVI have confirmed that this is to ensure greater consistency in their decision making. For students who apply for their visa from outside the UK the process of applying online and going to a Visa Application Centre for their Biometric enrolment, interview and submission of documents will not change. However, their documents will be scanned and sent to the unit in Shfield for a decision on their application to be taken. UK Embassy staff in the country of application will no longer be taking the decision at the point of application.

The moving of Tier 4 Visa decision making from overseas to the UK has been ongoing for some time, and this summer will be the first time that all Tier 4 Visa application decisions will be made in the UK. The University has reassurances from the UKVI that this change will not affect the quality or time taken for a Visa application decision. Keele, along with many other UK HEIs will be keeping a close eye on the quality of the decisions as not all of the UKVI staff in Shfield will have had experience of different banking practices and documentation.



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