
2014-08-01 作者: 1009阅读

  澳际留学8月1日讯 英国皇家霍洛威大学(Royal Holloway, University of London)由于生源不足,学校将撤销2014年MA Asia Pacific Business and Management研究生课程。

  已经申请了2014年MA Asia Pacific Business and Management专业的同学,可以考虑如下相关专业。

  · MA Marketing

  · MSc Business Information Systems

  · MSc Entrepreneurships(专业咨询)

  · MSc International Accounting

  · MSc International Human Resource Management

  · MSc Project Management




  I am sorry to inform you that MA Asia Pacific Business and Management programme has been withdrawn for 2014 entry due to insufficient applicants. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

  We would be pleased to consider you for one of the following programmes which may be of interest to you:

  · MA Marketing(专业咨询)

  · MSc Business Information Systems

  · MSc Entrepreneurships

  · MSc International Accounting

  · MSc International Human Resource Management

  · MSc Project Management

  Based on our record that you have applied for your student Visa sponsored by Royal Holloway, please let us know your choice of programme as soon as possible, so that we can inform UKBA about the change.

  If there is no other course that interests you, we will then withdraw our sponsorship for you to study with Royal Holloway.


  英国留学咨询:010-65229780 转 英国部 


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