
2017-06-16 作者: 438阅读

海外的:The Society does not accredit any overseas qualifications(有些爱尔兰的和香港的学校有认证本科课程) so all applications from individuals with qualifications gained overseas are assessed individually to determine eligibility for Graduate Membership with the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC). If you wish to beome a Chartered Member you must establish the For Graduate Membership with the GBC the Society will consider the following: Whether you hold a degree from a recognised university or comparable institution; and Whether your degree is at least of equivalent standard to a British Bachelor Lower Second Class Honours degree; and Whether your degree is at least fifty percent Psychology. This means that Psychology courses must comprise at least half of the studies which contributed to the award of your degree; and Whether the degree covers appropriate psychology areas. 例子:Bath-MSc Health Psychology Academic requirements 1、First or 2:1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in psychology recognised by the British Psychological Society (BPS) as providing Graduate Basis for Chartership (GBC), from a recognised university. 2. Overseas students with equivalent qualifications must obtain GBC from the BPS 3、A minimum of two weeks (full-time) experience of working in health settings. English Language requirements Certificates must be dated to within two years of the start of the programme of study. IELTS 7.0 (with not less than 7.0 in each of the four components) http://www.bath.ac.uk/study/pg/programmes/msc-in-heal-psyc/ 如何申请GBC认证: 不是只要BPS认证就行了,必须同时又GBC, BPS membership alone does not allow you to apply for a clinical psychology course. You must also have GBC. This is because GBC requires a broader knowledge of psychology than BPS membership, and you need that broader knowledge as a basis for your clinical training and professional practice. 需要时间:Please contact the BPS for information on how to apply for membership and GBC. Membership/GBC applications can take some time to process (especially if rerences are needed from outside the UK) so you should apply as soon as possible, prerably bore making your Clearing House application.If necessary you can submit your application without the BPS letter and then send us a copy of the letter when you receive it. 如果达不到要求:If your qualifications do not meet the requirements for GBC (or GBR) you will need to take a conversion course. The BPS has a list of conversion courses in the Careers, Education and Training section of their website 简单来说BPS认证主要是本科在英国学习的学生,即使是中国本科学习的学生也是很难申请的。这种情况就建议考虑带有conversion course字样的心理学专业啦。 相信通过小编的介绍,同学们对英国心理学专业的BPS认证也有了大概了解了,也希望能对同学们有所帮助,如需了解更多的相关信息,可以点击查看。



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