芝加哥洛约拉大学|Loyola University Chicago

2017-06-15 作者: 701阅读

芝加哥洛约拉大学Loyola University Chicago是一所四年制私立天主教大学,成立于1870 年,是美国28 所基督教大学中最大的学校之一。



在芝加哥洛约拉大学Loyola University Chicago中,97%的全职老师都拥有博士学位或者是该领域的最高学位,而且都是毕业于美国国内的著名大学,比如:哥伦比亚,康奈尔,哈佛,西北,普林斯顿,加州伯克莱,芝加哥,耶鲁等名校。

学生修读最多的学科,包括商科管理 (24%) 、社会科学 (14%) 、心理学 (11%) 、大众传播 (11%) 、生命科学 (8%)。


芝加哥洛约拉大学Loyola University Chicago不仅拥有大型的图书馆,微机房,学校食堂餐厅,而且体育设施也非常齐全,徜徉于环境优美的百年历史大学校园中,您会感受到一种良好的文化氛围,身心格外的放松。

芝加哥洛约拉大学Loyola University Chicago建校历史悠久,学校教师选拔严格,大都具有非常高的学历,在教学质量上有绝对的保障,而事实也证明了,该校的学生在某些专业具有特别的优势。

芝加哥洛约拉大学Loyola University Chicago在侧重于对学生实际工作能力和应变能力训练的作风,使得该校毕业生在就业方面极具竞争力,能快速找到理想的工作且能很快适应现代社会的飞速发展。

芝加哥洛约拉大学Loyola University Chicago为国际学生提供的帮助:大学有宿位大约 2000 个,一律采取先到先住的方法,由于全校有 75% 学生走读,所以宿位尚不难求。

芝加哥洛约拉大学Loyola University Chicago有专职的留学生助理员,负责在机场迎接学生,为学生安排住宿,并与学校的学业咨询顾问、心理咨询顾问和学习技能顾问一道为学生提供不间断的帮助和服务.


1.Main campuses

Loyola University Chicago is anchored at the Lake Shore Campus (on the shore of Lake Michigan) in Rogers Park, the northernmost neighborhood of the city of Chicago. Loyola has developed a ten-year master plan that is designed to revitalize the community by adding an updated arts center as well as a retail district called Loyola Station near the CTA s Loyola L stop. Among many others, the science departments are located on this campus.

Loyola s Water Tower Campus is in downtown Chicago off the Magnificent Mile of North Michigan Avenue, steps away from such landmarks as the Water Tower (one of the few structures to survive the Great Chicago Fire) and the John Hancock Center (one of the tallest buildings in the United States). The School of Business Administration, Graduate School of Business, School of Social Work, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, School of Communication, and the Law School are located at the Water Tower Campus. Many classes for the College of Arts and Sciences are also held at this campus.

Loyola also boasts a campus in Rome, Italy. The John Felice Rome Center was established in 1962 on the site of the 1960 Summer Olympics grounds. It moved to several locations in Rome until finally settling in Monte Mario on the Via Massimi, one of the most affluent districts of the Italian capital. The campus offers a full academic year for Chicago-based Loyola students wishing to study abroad.

Loyola University Chicago also has a medical school, the Stritch School of Medicine, and a hospital and medical center associated with them, all located on a campus in Maywood, Illinois, a western suburb of Chicago.

2.Student Life


LU Wolf is the mascot for the University. He was inspired by the coat-of-arms of St Ignatius of Loyola, from whom Loyola derives its name, which depicts two wolves standing over a kettle. He is ever-present at Loyola s basketball games, encouraging fans to show their support for the Ramblers.

Greek Life

Loyola University Chicago also houses Greek life on its Lake Shore Campus. These Greek organizations include the social fraternities Sigma Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Tau Kappa Epsilon, and Alpha Delta Gamma;as well as the social sororities Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Phi Sigma Sigma and Kappa Kappa Gamma. Alpha Delta Gamma remains the only private school-sanctioned fraternity house on campus. In 2005 Loyola got its first black Sorority, Zeta Phi Zeta. U.S. News World Report

Loyola is also home to the National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations (NALFO) co-ed fraternity Alpha Psi Lambda, and sororities Gamma Phi Omega (The first Latina-oriented sorority at Loyola) and Sigma Lambda Gamma (the largest Latina-oriented sorority in the U.S.) as well as several co-ed business fraternities such as Alpha Kappa Psi, Delta Sigma Pi, Kappa Psi, and Sigma Tau Delta. Loyola also has a co-ed service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega.

Loyola s largest campus is the Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, one of the leading academic medical centers in the United States. During the late 1970 s, the center became renowned for achievements in open heart surgery. Other areas in which it has received recognition include microneurosurgery, kidney transplants, care for burn victims, and care of high-risk infants.

Loyola s former Mallinckrodt Campus in north suburban Wilmette housed the School of Education from 1991 until 2001 when Loyola sold the campus and moved the School to the Water Tower Campus. The Campus was the former Mallinckrodt College, founded in 1918 by the Sisters of Christian Charity.

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