圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)创建于1842年,位于美国印第安那州,是一所文理兼顾的著名私立大学。 Notre Dame 是圣母玛利亚之意,顾名思义,这是一所罗马天主教大学,九成学生信天主教。圣母大学校风严谨、纯正,学生非常热衷于各项志愿的社会工作,也有大量学生加入社会事务中心,帮助照顾老人及伤残人员。
圣母大学是一所颇具竞争力的大学,商科教育十分优秀,其EMBA 项目排名为世界第20名。
圣母大学的校园非常优美,由于是一所教会学校,校园中的人们彼此之间都非常友善,甚至体现到人和动物之间,在绿草茵茵、树木丛丛的的校园中,不时可以见到松鼠等小动物的身影,该校到了雪季雪量比较大,对于喜爱滑雪的朋友来说是个不错的选择。圣母大学校园环境优美,校内建筑多为古典的西洋建筑。学校占地 1250 英亩 ,有 137 幢建筑物,价值22 亿美金,它闻名于世界的三所校园建筑是金圆顶主建筑、神圣天主教堂和高达 132 英尺 叙述基督故事壁画的图书馆。
圣母大学神学院是美国北部进行神学研究、教学的重要场所之一。尽管圣母大学神学院主要针对罗马天主教进行教学、研究,但它仍然吸引了美国各地其他教会的众多学习者来此进行研究、学习。神学院有 40 余名教职人员从事神学方面的教育。圣母大学作为美国 TOP100 的大学之一,其神学院秉承学院天主教的宗旨,对神学进行更全面、深刻的研究、教学,对那些对神学领域知识感兴趣的同学而言,圣母大学神学院不失为一个好选择。
圣母大学神学院为学生提供 5 个不同领域和级别的课程,分别如下:
A. 研究生院课程:学校提供神学、神学研究、宗教音乐等研究生学习课程。
B. 本科课程:学校提供神学,神学与哲学的本科学习课程。
The University of Notre Dame du Lac (or simply Notre Dame) (our lady) (IPA: /?no?t??de?m/) is a private Roman Catholic research university located in Notre Dame, Indiana. It was founded by Father Edward Sorin, CSC, who was also the school s first president. Founded as an all-male institution, it became co-educational in 1972. The school s Catholic identity is evident in the architecture around campus, manifested by the ornate Basilica of the Sacred Heart together with numerous chapels and religious iconography.
The university today is organized into five colleges and one professional school, the oldest of which, the College of Arts and Letters, began awarding degrees in 1849. Many of the colleges academic programs have been ranked highly in national publications, with the university as a whole ranked 19th nationally by U.S. News and World Report.[ Many of the graduate programs participate in research endeavors, with a stated goal by the university president, Father John I. Jenkins, CSC, to become a pre-eminent research institution. Additionally, the university s library system is one of the top-100 largest in the United States.
More than 80% of the university s 8,000 undergraduates live on campus in one of 28 single-sex residence halls, each of which fields teams for more than a dozen intramural sports. Notre Dame s approximately 120,000 alumni are located around the world.
Notre Dame is also known for its sports programs, especially its football team. The sports teams are members of the NCAA Division I, and are known collectively as the Fighting Irish, a name it adopted in the 1920s. The football team, an Independent, has accumulated eleven national championships, seven Heisman Trophy winners, and sixty-two members in the College Football Hall of Fame. Additionally, other sport teams, most members of the Big East Conference, have accumulated 18 national championships.
As of fall 2006, Notre Dame has a student body population of 11,603 total students and employs 1241 full-time faculty members and another 166 part-time members to give a student/faculty ratio of 13:1 Named by [[Newsweek]] as one of the 25 New Ivies .It is an Oak Ridge Associated University.
The College of Arts and Letters was established as the university s first college in 1842 with the first degrees given in 1849.The university s first academic curriculum was modeled after the Jesuit Ratio Studiorum from Saint Louis University. Today the college, housed in O Shaughnessy Hall,includes 21 departments in the areas of fine arts, humanities, and social sciences, and awards Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degrees in over 40 majors, making it the largest of the university s colleges. There are around 2,500 undergraduates and 750 graduates enrolled in the college.
The College of Science was established at the university in 1865 by then-president Father Patrick Dillon. Dillon s scientific courses were six years of work, including higher-level mathematics courses.Today the college, housed in the newly-built Jordan Hall of Science, includes over 1,200 undergraduates in five departments of study biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and pre-professional studies each awarding Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees. According to university statistics, its science pre-professional program has one of the highest acceptance rates to medical school of any university in the United States.
The School of Architecture was established in 1899, although degrees in architecture were first awarded by the university in 1898.Today the school, housed in Bond Hall. offers a five year undergraduate program leading to the Bachelor of Architecture degree. One year of study is completed in Rome by all students enrolled in the school.
The College of Engineering was established in 1920, however, early courses in civil and mechanical engineering were a part of the College of Science since the 1870s.Today the college, housed in the Cushing Hall of Engineering, includes five departments of study aerospace and mechanical engineering, chemical and biomolecular engineering, civil engineering and geological sciences, computer science and engineering, and electrical engineering with eight B.S. degrees offered. Additionally, the college offers five year dual degree programs with the Colleges of Arts and Letters and of Business awarding additional B.A. and Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees, respectively.
The Mendoza College of Business was established by Father John F. O Hara in 1921, although a foreign commerce program was launched in 1917. Today the college offers degrees in accountancy, finance, management, and marketing and enrolls over 1,600 students.
All of Notre Dame s undergraduate students are a part of one of the five undergraduate colleges at the school or are in the First Year of Studies program. The First Year of Studies program was established in 1962 to guide incoming freshmen in their first year at the school bore they have declared a major. Each student is given an academic advisor from the program who helps them to choose classes that give them exposure to any major in which they are interested.The program also includes a Learning Resource Center which provides time management, collaborative learning, and subject tutoring.This program has been recognized previously, by U.S. News World Report, as outstanding.
2、Graduate and professional schools
The university first offered graduate degrees, in the form of a Master of Arts (MA), in the 1854 1855 academic year. The program expanded to include Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Master of Civil Engineering in its early stages of growth, bore a formal graduate school education was developed with a thesis not required to receive the degrees. This changed in 1924 with formal requirements developed for graduate degrees, including offering Doctorate (Ph.D.) degrees.Today each of the five colleges offer graduate education. Most of the departments from the College of Arts and Letters offer Ph.D. programs, while a professional Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program also exists. All of the departments in the College of Science offer Ph.D. programs, except for the Department of Pre-Professional Studies. The School of Architecture offers a Master of Architecture, while each of the departments of the College of Engineering offer Ph.D. programs. The College of Business offers multiple professional programs including MBA and Master of Science in Accountancy programs. It also operates facilities in Chicago and Cincinnati for its executive MBA program.Additionally, the Alliance for Catholic Education program offers a Master of Education program where students study at the university during the summer and teach in Catholic elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools across the Southern United States for two school years.
In addition to the programs offered by each of the colleges, the Notre Dame Law School offers a professional program for students. Established in 1869, Notre Dame was the first Catholic university in the United States to have a law program.Today the program has consistently ranked among the top law schools in the nation according to US News and World Report.The Law School grants the professional Juris Doctor degree as well as the graduate LL.M. and Doctor of Juridical Science degrees.Currently, the law school is experiencing an expansion that will double the size of its learning space and is expected to be in operation for the Spring 2009 semester. It is the only accredited American law school to offer a full year of study abroad in London.
The library system of the university is divided between the main library and each of the colleges and schools. The main building is the fourteen-story Theodore M. Hesburgh Library, which is the third building to house the main collection of books.The front of the library is adorned with the Word of Life mural. This mural is popularly known as Touchdown Jesus because of its proximity to Notre Dame Stadium and Jesus arms appearing to make the signal for a touchdown.The library system also includes branch libraries for Architecture, Chemistry Physics, Engineering, Law, the Life Sciences, and Mathematics as well as information centers in the Mendoza College of Business and the Kellogg/Kroc Institute for Peace Studies, and a slide library in O Shaughnessy Hall.The library system holds over three-million volumes and is one of the top 100 largest libraries in the country.
U.S. University Rankings
USNWR National University19th
USNWR Business School 34th
USNWR Law School 22nd
USNWR Engineering School 49th
Washington Monthly 22nd
Notre Dame ranked 19th overall in the United States in U.S. News and World Report s best colleges.U.S. News and World Report also lists Notre Dame Law School as 22nd overall, and the Gourman Report, which is published by the Princeton Review, ranks the Law School at 18th.BusinessWeek ranks Mendoza College of Business graduate school as 26th overall.Additionally, The Washington Monthly ranked the university 13th nationally in its 2006 editionBusinessWeek also ranked the undergraduate business program as 3rd nationally.The Philosophical Gourmet Report ranked Notre Dame s graduate philosophy program as 13th nationally, while ARCHIT
ECT Magazine, ranked the undergraduate architecture program as 12th nationally。 Additionally, the study abroad program ranks sixth in highest participation percentage in the nation, with 57.6% of students choosing to study abroad in 17 countries.
Notre Dame has a long history of scientific research. In 1882, Professor Albert Zahm built the first wind tunnel used to compare lift to drag of aeronautical models. Around 1899, Professor Jerome Green became the first American to send a wireless message. Also, in 1931, Father Julius Nieuwland performed early work on basic reactions that was used to create neoprene. Additionally, nuclear physics study at the university began with the building of a nuclear accelerator in 1936.
Today, research continues in many fields, as the current university president, Father Jenkins, described his hope that Notre Dame would become one of the pre eminent research institutions in the world in his inaugural address. The university has many multi-disciplinary institutes devoted to research in varying fields, including the Medieval Institute, the Kroc Institute for International Peace studies, and the Center for Social Concerns. Recent research includes work on family conflict and child development, genome mapping, the increasing trade dicit of the United States with China, studies in fluid mechanics, and marketing trends on the Internet.
The Notre Dame student body consists of 11,603 students, with 8,352 undergraduates and 3,251 graduate and professional students.Around 21 24% of students are children of alumni,[9 and although 37% of students come from the Midwestern United States, the student body represents all 50 states and 100 countries.[4] The Princeton Review ranks the school as the fifth highest dream school for parents to send their children.The school has been previously criticized for its lack of diversity,[9 and The Princeton Review ranks the university highly among schools at which Alternative Lifestyles [are] Not an Alternative .[9 However, it has also been commended by some diversity oreinted publications; Hispanic Magazine ranks the university ninth on its list of the top 25 colleges for Latinos,00] and the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education recognizes the university for raising enrollment of African-American students.0 With 6,000 participants, the university s intramural sports program has been named by Sports Illustrated as the best program in the country,02] while The Princeton Review named it as the top school where Everyone Plays Intramural Sports . The annual Bookstore Basketball tournament is the largest outdoor five-on-five tournament in the world with over 700 teams participating each year,04] while the Notre Dame Men s Boxing Club hosts the annual Bengal Bouts tournament that raises money for the Holy Cross Missions in Bangladesh.
1、Residence halls
About 80% of undergraduates and 20% of graduate students live on campus.The majority of the graduate students on campus live in one of four graduate housing complexes on campus, while all on-campus undergraduates live in one of the 27 residence halls and Old College pre-seminary.0 Because of the religious affiliation of the university, all residence halls are single-sex, with 14 male dorms and 13 female dorms. The university enforces a visitation policy (known as parietals) on those students who live in dormitories, specifying times when members of the opposite sex are allowed to visit, however, most residence halls have 24 hour social spaces in which parietals are not enforced. There are no fraternities or sororities at the university, but many students live in the same residence hall for all four years fostering a similar sense of community. Some intramural sports are based on residence hall teams, where the university offers the only non-military academy program of full-contact intramural American football.
2、Religious life
With the university affiliated with the Congregation of the Holy Cross, its Catholic identity permeates into student life. More than 93% of students identify as Christian, with over 80% of them being Catholic. The Basilica of the Sacred Heart is on campus and each residence hall has a chapel. Collectively, Catholic Mass is celebrated over 100 times per week on campus.0 There are multitudes of religious statues and artwork around campus, most prominent of which are the statue of Mary on the Main Building, the Notre Dame Grotto, and the Word of Life mural on Hesburgh Library depicting Christ as a teacher. Additionally, every classroom displays a crucifix.There are many religious clubs at the school, including Council #1477 of the Knights of Columbus (KOC), Communion and Liberation of Notre Dame, Baptist Collegiate Ministry, Jewish Club, Muslim Student Association, Orthodox Christian Fellowship and many more. The Notre Dame KOC are known for being the first collegiate council of KOC, operating a charitable concession stand during every home football game and owning their own building on campus which can be used as a cigar lounge.
3、Student-run media
Like most universities, Notre Dame s students run a number of media outlets. The nine student-run outlets include three newspapers, both a radio and television station, and several magazines and journals. The newspapers have varying publication interests, with The Observer published daily and mainly reporting university and other news.1 In 1987, when some students believed that The Observer began to show a conservative bias, a liberal newspaper, Common Sense was published. Likewise, in 2003, when other students believed that the paper showed a liberal bias, the conservative paper Irish Rover went into production. Neither paper are published as often as The Observer, however, all three are distributed to all students. The television station, NDtv, grew from one show in 2002 to a full 24 hour channel with original programming by September 2006. The radio station, WVFI, began as a partner of WSND-FM, however, has since been airing independently on the Internet. Begun as a one-page journal in September 1876, the Scholastic magazine is issued twice monthly and claims to be the oldest continuous collegiate publication in the United States. The other magazine, The Juggler, is released twice a year and focuses on student literature and artwork.The Dome yearbook is published annually. In Spring 2008 the undergraduate journal for political science research, Beyond Politics, will make its debut.
Notre Dame s campus is located in Notre Dame, Indiana, an unincorporated community in north Indiana, just north of South Bend and four miles (6 km) from the Michigan state line. Development of the campus began in the spring of 1843 when Father Sorin and some of his congregation built the Old College , a building used for dormitories, a bakery, and a classroom. A year later, after an architect arrived, a small Main Building was built allowing for the launch of the college. Today the campus lies on 1,250 acres (5.1 km2) just south of the Indiana Toll Road and includes 137 buildings located on quads throughout the campus.
A number of the buildings that Father Sorin built still stand on the campus, while others have been replaced. The Old College building has become one of two seminaries on campus run by the Congregation of the Holy Cross.5]The current Basilica of the Sacred Heart is located on the spot of Sorin s original church, which became too small for the growing college and the Main Building, after a fire destroyed parts of it, has become home to Notre Dame s administration. There are two lakes located on campus, and near the lakes is the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, which was built in 1896 as a replica of the original in Lourdes, France.
1、New buildings
The university continues to expand and add new buildings each year. Since 2004, many buildings have been built - the most prominent being the Debartolo Performing Arts Center, the Guglielmino Complex, and the Jordan Hall of Science. Additionally, a new male residence hall, Duncan Hall, began construction on March 8, 2007,[40] and will begin accepting residents for the Fall 2008 semester. A new engineering building, Stinson-Remick Hall, a new combination Center for Social Concerns/Institute for Church Life building and a law school addition are also currently under construction。
2、London Centre
The university has had a presence in London since 1968. Since 1998, its London Centre has been based in the former United University Club at 1, Suffolk Street in Trafalgar Square. The Centre enables the Colleges of Arts Letters, Business Administration, Science, Engineering and the Law School to develop their own programs in London.
Notre Dame alumni number near 120,000,1 and are members of 275 alumni clubs around the world.1 Many alumni give yearly monetary support to the university, with a school-record 53.2% giving some donation in 2006.1 Many buildings on campus are named for those whose donations allowed their building, including residence halls,1 classroom buildings,2 and the performing arts center.
Notre Dame alumni work in various fields. Alumni working in political fields include state governors,22] members of the United States Congress,2 and current United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. A number of university heads are alumni, including Notre Dame s current president, Rev. John Jenkins.Additionally, many alumni are in the media, including talk show hosts Regis Philbin and Phil Donahue,22 and television and radio personalities such as Mike Golic and Hannah Storm.22 With the university having high profile sports teams, a number of alumni became a part of sports teams, including professional baseball, basketball, and football players, such as Joe Montana,30] Megan Duffy,3, Jf Samardzija,, Olympic gold medalist Mariel Zagunis, current collegiate head football coaches, such as Notre Dame coach Charlie Weis,3 and former football coaches, such as Knute Rockne. Other notable alumni include prominent businessman Edward J. DeBartolo Jr., astronaut Jim Wetherbee.
Notre Dame s NCAA Division I teams are known as the Fighting Irish. This name was used in the early 1920s with respect to the football team and was popularized by alumnus Francis Wallace in his New York Daily News columns.3 The official colors of Notre Dame are madonna blue and papal gold, 3 which are worn in competition by its athletic teams. In addition, the color green is often worn because of the Fighting Irish nickname.3 The Notre Dame Leprechaun is the mascot of the athletic teams. Created by Theodore W. Drake in 1964, the leprechaun was first used on the football pocket schedule and later on the football program covers. The leprechaun was featured on the cover of Time in November of 1964 and gained national exposure.
The university offers 26 varsity sports, 13 each for men and women. 21 of these teams compete in the Big East Conference,while football is Independent, both fencing teams are in the Midwest Fencing Conference, the hockey team is in the Central Collegiate Hockey Association, and the men s lacrosse team is in the Great Western Lacrosse League.4 The university marching band plays at home games for most of the sports. The band, which began in 1846 and has a claim as the oldest university band in continuous existence in the United States, was honored by the National Music Council as a Landmark of American Music during the United States Bicentennial.4 The band regularly plays the school s fight song the Notre Dame Victory March, which was named as the most played and most famous fight song by Northern Illinois Professor William Studwell.4 According to College Fight Songs: An Annotated Anthology published in 1998, the Notre Dame Victory March ranks as the greatest fight song of all time.
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