
2017-06-15 作者: 527阅读

开学日期:Early Decision I: 15 Nov. Regular Admission Early Decision II: 01 Jan.

鲍登学院 基本信息

Bowdoin is an independent, nonsectarian, coeducational residential, undergraduate liberal arts institution founded in 1794. It is located in Brunswick, Maine, a town of 21,000 on the Maine coast. Study at Bowdoin leads to a bachelor of arts degree in one of over 40 departmental and interdisciplinary majors. Bowdoin enrolls approximately 1,710 students from across the country and around the world.

More than 120 buildings are a part of the approximately 215-acre Bowdoin campus. They range from Massachusetts Hall, built in 1802, to Kanbar Hall, a 26,000-square-foot award-winning educational facility that was completed in 2004; LEED certified green residence halls completed in 2005; and a recital hall, due to open in spring 2007. Bowdoin s Coastal Studies Center, located eight miles from campus on 118 acres of Orr s Island, was completed in 1998.


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    硕士阶段:准确定位授课类和研究类项目,就业指导能力突出; 预本科:准确分析学生性格爱好,激发学生的主见性,帮学生选择更合适自身的专业; 初高中:十分了解寄宿家庭和院校升学排名,能给学生更耐心、更专业地分析最重要的升学细节,为学生和家长服务的周期更长。

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