2014-07-11 549阅读
英国林肯大学(University of Lincoln)发来欢迎信称,欢迎今年9月份入读林肯大学的学子们,恭喜获得林肯大学Offer的学生。
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your offer to study with us at the University of Lincoln.
Now that you have received your offer, we look forward to welcoming you this September.
We want you to make the right decision and I am here to answer any questions you may have, and be sure that you are making the correct choice to study at Lincoln.
As your advisor, I can assist you with any concerns or issues you may have about your offer, or about the University.
Please contact me if you have anything you'd like to find out or discuss.
We will be contacting you with information and updates and may call you occasionally to see how you're getting on.
Based in one of the world’s best historic cities, Lincoln is a great place to study.
We are also proud to have some of the most satisfied students in the UK, with many of our programmes in the top ten for student satisfaction.
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