2017-06-15 372阅读
Rlect on a time when you challenged a beli or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again? (思考你曾质疑一种信念或想法的时刻,是什么促使你这么做的?如果再给你一次机会,你还会做同样的决定么?)
题目的主旨,是想了解你,你的心路历程,你的独一无二性。 也就是你是如何用你的声音,行动,你的特质总结出了你新的‘’Beli or Idea‘’,超越了过往司空见惯的旧模式,突破约定俗成,发现新的天地。
是不是仍然觉得有点缥缈,没关系, 我们来看看S同学是如何在大咖外教Son的指导下成功斩获康奈尔offer的:
澳际: Hello Son, 深入的了解是一切闪光的前提。为了深入挖掘S同学的特质,你是怎么做的呢?
Son:I read more materials and chat more with S to get closer to her, including going to dinner and an open museum of youth arts in Shenzhen together.
澳际:思想的火花需要激情的碰撞。 学生最终文书素材“艺术学习成长之路”是如何确定的?
Son: We went through a lot of brainstorming again, trying out several other directions. We eventually arrived at doing an essay that parallels mental growth in arts and a road trip in Gansu.(如果你以为外教只能完善文章的遣词造句,那-你就错过了TA最深刻的意义:他更为启迪而生!)
Son: 真正的勇士敢于直面问题,解决问题。此时需紧扣文书题目,解决核心问题:审美准则是由谁来决定的—The central question in this PS is who determines the standard of beauty - the creator of arts (S and her modern art arrangement) or the audience (represented by her father). 之后明确要建立自己的审美准则,用过去和现在的故事展开叙述—highlighted some pivotal moments in her life that helps build her own perception of beauty standard and paralleled her artistic growth with her road trip in Gansu, and a certain well-lit hut inspired the students to think about both her past and present.
Nevertheless, permanence was but a short-lived fantasy. My middle school years witnessed Chinese painting practice replacing the crude paper and crayon with rice paper, brush, and ink. Also, I needed to follow one rule: leave some white space, do not fill the entire paper with ink. In Chinese philosophy, white represents infinite nothingness where painters can imagine and audiences can purify mentally. This is the beauty standard maintained by Chinese for thousands of years now.
I remember seeing “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” in New York City’s Museum of Modern Art this past January. Picasso probably saw no fun in following the crowd so he used this masterpiece to demonstrate his rebelliousness: the primitivistic fractured outline of entwining abstract female bodies broke the doctrine of beauty which is neither set by trend nor by time. It does not come from the appreciation of the crowd but from the intrinsic value that the author has instilled. For me, it is I who should dine my own beauty.
S同学通过描述自己的艺术学习成长之路,成功展现给我们她如何打破“中国传统的留白之美“的审美准则,建立起自己的“standard of beauty”这一主题, 行文张弛有度,行云流水,无不透露着ta敢于挑战传统理念的精神,紧扣主题的同时也升华了主题, 体现出了崇高之美。
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