
2017-06-13 作者: 225阅读


  Human resources personal statement

  I am currently working full time as an administrator in a Hospital in my gap year after sixth form. I chose to take a year out after my A-Levels to gain some true life experience away from the security net of full time education. I was fortunate enough to gain work in the administration field and so continue to improve my knowledge and computer skills. I am also currently undertaking a 20 week OCR accredited CLAIT Level 1 course at open college to gain more computing skills.

  Obtaining a degree in human resource/personnel management will enable me to seek employment in a large corporation where I eventually wish to specialise in staff development.

  All my A-level studies interested me, but I felt my sociology A-Level course gave me much information relevant to a human resources/personnel management course such as knowledge of human behaviour and the reasoning behind it. However I do realise the course will entail much work dealing with facts and figures and feel with my GCSE Maths grade B I am well equipped to manage this side of the course too.

  Throughout my education I contributed in many events such as induction days, sporting event supervision and attending volleyball and badminton clubs over several years. I also attended many school trips in the UK and abroad. In year eleven I was a senior student, running year seven homework and games clubs that contributed to me achieving my Trident Award to Gold Standard.

  The work experience I undertook and my current employment challenge me to work with a diverse range of people in an office environment and allowed me to prove I could work fectively in this kind of occupation as the report of my employer confirmed.

  My part time work as a sales assistant also gave me the confidence to communicate well with people from all walks of life and has improved my social and inter-personal relationship skills with other staff members and public. I feel my proven record of good time keeping, hard work and regular attendance would enable me to benit from a place at university.

  In my spare time I enjoy socialising because keeping in touch with my friends is important to me and I also enjoy keeping fit and regularly go to my local leisure centre. In addition I enjoy computing and creating websites that allow me to communicate with people from across the world.

  My decision to study human resource/personnel management has taken a lot of research and thought over the past three years. After talking to several people employed in this field of work and researching what the course entails and with the rewards it holds, it was obvious that this kind of work was what I wanted to do and so I have applied to take a degree at university to provide me with the qualifications and experience I need to follow my chosen career path.


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