
2017-06-13 作者: 187阅读


  Law Personal Statement

  My interest in studying law began early in high school, when, learning about the various aspects of the 20th century, especially the wars and the genocides, I developed an interest in social justice. As President of my school&aposs Amnesty International chapter for the past three years, I have broadened my awareness of social justice advocacy by overseeing its letter-writing and other campaigns - as well as managing the group&aposs finances

  I also became involved in the Debating Society and the Model United Nations club, which has allowed me to strengthen my public speaking skills and broaden my knowledge of international issues. I have recently won several Debating and Model United Nations awards. I am currently ranked 6th at the high school level in French Debating in Ontario, Canada&aposs most populous province. At the largest Model UN tournament in Canada, held at McGill University, in 2000, I ranked 1st in the Commission on the Rights of the Child. At the 2001 tournament, I ranked 1st in the Canadian Cabinet. Currently, as President of the Debating Society, and Co-Head of the Model UN club, I oversee the training of new members, and arrange the clubs&apos participation in various tournaments, as well as general fundraising activities

  During the summer of 2001, I learned first-hand about the rugee crisis in Afghanistan by helping to teach English and Math to Grade 1 children of newly arrived Afghan rugees. While facilitating their transition into the Canadian education system, I, in turn, learned about their sad journey through rugee camps in Pakistan, Iran, and Tajikistan. In addition to strengthening my humanistic values, this experience furthered my interest in international affairs and justice

  As a student-elected representative on the Toronto French School Student Council for the past three years, I have learned the value of fective compromise and improved my leadership, and organizational skills. My responsibilities, in addition to representing my grade, include organizing various school events, e.g. school dances, fundraising, and food drives

  I spearheaded a high school campaign to convince Canada&aposs largest manufacturer of school uniforms (RJ McCarthy Ltd) to adopt fair labour practices in its garment factories. Having become aware of the dismal working conditions through my involvement with Amnesty International, I also used my attendance at the Pearson Seminar on Youth Leadership, in British Columbia, Canada, to build a more broad-based movement amongst high school students. My forts were profiled in the Business Section of the Toronto Star and Town Crier newspapers. Tangible results were achieved at my school, which switched to a more ethically conscious supplier

  As part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma programme offered at my school, I have elected to study English, French and History at the higher level. The Theory of Knowledge component of the IB diploma - a philosophical pursuit into what is knowledge - has also helped me hone my critical thinking skills, which I now use in all aspects of my studies. In writing the Extended Essay, a research essay for the IB, I have used the knowledge acquired from my chosen subjects to examine my topic, special interest influences on media during the 1954 Guatemalan revolution, from a multi-disciplinary standpoint

  Having attended the Toronto French School for the past fifteen years, I am fluent in French and English, and have also studied conversational Spanish. I have consistently striven for academic excellence, entering my second IB year as a cum laude (with distinction) student, having obtained an &aposA&apos average in my IB 1 year

  I also obtained the Diplome National du Brevet des Colleges, a French national diploma - confirming my bilingualism. I have recently been selected as one of seventy finalists for the TD Bank Scholarship for Outstanding Community Leadership, attracting more than 3200 applicants from across Canada. My school has also chosen me as one of two nominees for the Canadian National Merit Scholarship. I hope to build upon that standard of excellence at the university level

  Following my studies, I hope to enter the legal field. My interests lie in international trade and labour law, which would allow me to enhance my awareness of, and pursue my involvement in, social advocacy. The international perspective that the IB offers, combined with my choice of languages and history as higher level subjects, have clearly helped develop my attraction to, and my fascination with, international law.


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