
2017-06-13 作者: 228阅读


  Law Personal Statement

  Justice is open to everyone in the same way as the Ritz hotel." As a white middle class female born into the 21st century justice is something I have always seen as a right yet as Judge Sturgess&apos quote suggests, millions worldwide are deprived of this fundamental right daily. The study of and as a result the development of the legal system is I believe the only way of challenging the current state of the justice system. A constant question for me has been, How is one person able to take away another&aposs rights? The only answer I have been able to gain being that the law needs to be revaluated and respect for humanity reaffirmed. Aspirations to accomplish this come combined with the knowledge that first, an understanding is required. The study of a subject that will allow me to question the system and its ideas, yet allow me to learn and develop my own simultaneously is the only path that will allow this understanding to grow and hopully progress. With aspirations of the bar and eventually The UN I remain focused in life. Work experience within the court system showed me what is achievable and lt me determined to achieve.

  Within my Religious Studies course, the issue of caste is something we have studied in depth. The ever present stigma within British societies captivated my mind .How can a socially developed country ignore such a dehumanising class system. Likewise issues linking caste and aid distribution after the East Asian tsunami engaged me and my desire to make a difference. Through Religious studies I was able to take part in the Lessons from Auschwitz project. In rlection the lessons and ideas I have taken away have intensified my compassion toward others. Especially those who society chooses to watch silently as they suffer. The project as a whole enforced to me that the international community has learned nothing from the holocaust as we continue to overlook the plights of those who endure such a distinct privation of rights.

  This year I have helped introduce the "Fair-trade schools" scheme. Taking on the role of Fair trade ambassador I have had to develop time management and organisational skills to make involvement possible. Good communication skills have been required to maintain links with a local Fair trade co-operative as well as educating within the school. This is a scheme where personal passion exists as I believe it has succeeded in opening up opportunities to those who through the economic function of our society have suffered. As a person I am not afraid of a challenge and last year chose to undertake my bronze Duke of Edinburgh award. The whole experience was one which placed me out of my so called "comfort zone." However I was determined to complete the award and upon completion felt a sense of accomplishment as it was something which took personal struggle, yet showed I am always willing to push myself further.

  Volunteering in a nursery school allows me to gain an insight of how children see the world and reinforces the importance of respect for humanity, rlected in the children&aposs changing attitudes as they grow up in society. Earlier work experience was within a primary school. Where I found my mind was opened to a subject which I had never considered. Within the class there was a young boy whose English was limited. Working with him highlighted to me, how our system fails to provide for those who are rendered voiceless. Reminding me that basic rights are not available to everyone something I would like to be able to change in the future. The law whilst helping us order society ,can be the least orderly factor in existence. If something is legal it&aposs right, illegal it&aposs wrong is almost innate knowledge. Yet the law can describe something as both terms merely based on cultural determination of what is criminal. This leaving an area of grey. I believe combined with the understanding gained from my study of law that this area of grey will allow me to open justice’s doors to everyone .

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