
2017-06-13 作者: 178阅读


  English Personal Statement

  Growing up reading Roald Dahl, I saw elements of myself in Matilda, as ever since I can remember, I have loved reading. My passion for English could be seen by those around me, as a child, having taught myself to read and write by the time I was 4 years old, and there was never any doubt that I would go on to pursue a career in English. Studying an A-level in English Language and Literature, I have been able to rine this interest into an analytical approach, studying the texts that I have been given in a deeper context and I have been fascinated by the way that the syntax and choice of words can create such varied meanings, feelings and fects on the reader, whilst also determining the way a character or setting is portrayed. I have also been interested in the way that the culture of the period can influence the themes and style of the writing produced at the time, such as Eliot&aposs &aposSilas Marner&apos, which was written during the Industrial Revolution, and has a heavy theme of the impact of industrialisation throughout.

  Having started with Dahl, I later progressed to more mature novels, with my favourites being Nabokov&aposs &aposLolita&apos and Wilde&aposs &aposThe Picture of Dorian Gray&apos. I loved &aposLolita&apos because, while the content is extremely disturbing, Nabokov somehow influences the reader to empathise with Humbert, through humour and a first person narrative. &aposThe Picture of Dorian Gray&apos enthralled me due to the fact that Wilde wrote about the idea of &aposcelebrity&apos, and how much it could change a person, long bore its time. What I also like about both of these novels is that the main characters aren&apost likeable people, which I found to be equally true in Browning&aposs poetry, due to his perturbing dramatic monologues. I have also enjoyed reading Austen&aposs novels, as she constantly surprises the reader, challenging us when we believe we are most certain. Out of the plays that I have read, Shakespeare&aposs &aposA Midsummer Night&aposs Dream&apos grabbed my attention the most, as it focuses on the darker side of love, but still manages to be humorous. I was also entertained by the ironic ending, where Hermia and Lysander are watching a play about Pyramus and Thisbe, who, like them, are unfortunate lovers, yet they fail to realise this.

  I plan on working in Journalism after I leave university. I would relish the challenge of researching and writing up stories for a deadline, and know that I would also love working in a fast-paced environment. I have had work experience at Sugar magazine and The Independent, which allowed me to see the difference between magazine journalism and compact journalism. At Sugar, I was given the opportunity to write an article for the magazine, and also able to go out on to the street and research the target market, while at The Independent, I was able to write a horror film review, which went in the newspaper, and was also able to research for articles, including upcoming interviews. In school, I have become sub-editor of The Weekly Affair, the Sixth Form newspaper, which I have written articles for. This has given me experience with working in and managing teams with a tight deadline. It has also given me valuable writing experience.

  In year 9, 100 children applied, and 50 children (myself included) were chosen to go on a three-month school trip to Israel, where we lived on Kibbutz Lavi and studied with Israeli children. As well as studying with Israelis, we also taught them English once a week, which helped me to explain the language clearly and confidently. It also gave me experience with working with new cultures and helped me to become more confident.

  On the whole, I believe I am a hard-working, sociable and committed student, and that university is the perfect environment for me to develop as a person. I have gained a large amount from my A levels, in terms of knowledge and feel that I have the drive and ability to enjoy and succeed in this course, and I am looking forward to broadening my reading horizons further.

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