
2017-06-13 作者: 263阅读



  • The MSc in Developmental Biology focuses on the fundamentals of developmental biology with direct relevance to man. The department has outstanding facilities for experimental work using a range of model vertebrate organisms.

  • The MSc in Medical BioSciences is designed to provide opportunities for the student to study the theoretical and practical aspects of recent topics in the sciences that underpin modern research related to medicine.

  • The MSc in Molecular Microbiology addresses modern problems of microbiology from epidemiology and immunity to emerging diseases

  • The MSc in Molecular Plant Sciences provides opportunities to study molecular problems from the expression of gens through to genetic modification of food crops in the developing world

  • The MSc in Protein Structure and Function provides advanced training in the molecular basis of structure-function relationships in proteins and the molecules with which they interact.

  Entry requirements

  Academic requirements

  Upper second class honours degree or equivalent

  English requirements

  IELTS 6.5 (with not less than 6.0 in each of the four components).

  TOEFL 580 (paper-based test) or 237 (computer-based test) with a score of not less than 4 in the TWE or 92 (internet-based test) with not less than 21 in each of the components。


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