
2017-06-09 作者: 196阅读


  Q: Hello, officer. Now I&aposm 17 years old and apply for child visa for A-level study. The evidence of money should be on my own account or on my parents’ accounts? Which one is better?

  A: Hello. As a 17 year old you can choose to apply as Child or Adult. You should discuss this with your sponsor. The money can be in your parents account but you will need to submit a birth certificate/family book to prove your relationship. Thanks

  Q: THANK YOU! Also the 17 years old and child visa. What is about“the documents used to obtain my CAS”? the A-level school contacted my Chinese shcool teacher for rerence directly by email and I have completed an English test provided by the A-level school, then I got the offer and CAS, so what document should I provide for this requirement?

  A: You need do provide the documents that your sponsor has listed on the CAS.

  Q: Hello officer, i&aposd like to know can we call the International Foundation Course a language course or degree course. By the way, can I get a 9 months visa for a foundation course or a 3-year one? Thank you.

  A: The UK sponsor will have to list the Foundation Course at the correct level. They will know their responsibility to do this.

  Q: The applicant with pre-sectional English course+ conditional master course offer belongs to NQF 6 or below?

  A: If you have conditional Masters offer, with pre-sessional English, you will need to provide a SELT (secure English language test) showing your level at minimum B1 and the course needs to be at B2

  Q: Hello, officer. Do you recommend the agent to apply for a student visa or the sudents apply for the student visa by themselves

  A: It is up to the applicant if they want to use an agent. The VFS website provides all necessary information to apply for a visa so applicants can apply on their own if they choose. (15:09:38)

  Q: Dear visa Officer 2: when i finished my pre-mater studies and went back China, do i need to provide IELTS while i apply for visa renewal? Thanks.

  A: It depends what course your CAS is issued for. If your sponsor is a University, then they can choose how to test your English level. They should include this information on the CAS and tell you what document you need to submit.

  Q: Hello, I will study in England in Sept, When can i prepare for my visa? Because what I am worried about is the updation of files that I should prepare. Thank you (15:20:36)

  A: You can apply up to 3 months in advance of your course start date. Summers are very busy for us so we recommend you submit as early as possible.

  Q: I got a combined CAS for both the pre-sessional course and main degree course; do I have to provide language of B1 or B2?

  A: *Visa officer 2 says to Vincent: You need to provide the documents listed on your CAS by your sponsor. (15:22:05)

  Q: hello sir. I want to know per master is below Bachelor degree or above

  A: Your sponsor will be able to tell you the level as many courses are different.

  Q: Dear officer, I’d like to know that, after my 9-month Foundation course, can I submit my application to extend my visa for the following 3-year degree course in the UK. Thank you.

  A:If you have studied your Foundation course on a Tier 4 visa, you should be able to extend in the UK. You will need to speak to your sponsor to check that you have enough money to do this.

  Q: I have accepted an offer about per master My IELTS is overall 5.0(one is 4.0),if I can submit visa

  A:Please rer to the CAS and what documents are listed on there. If depends on the status of your sponsor and the course level.

  Q: Dear officer, if the student has previously got the student visa to UK to take the bachelor course. Now, the visa will be expired in May, and he&aposll come back to China then. If he wants to participate into his Graduation ceremony in UK, what kind of visa should he apply for? To extend his student visa in China or apply for visitor visa? Does he need to provide the IELTS Report when extension his student visa?

  A: If the applicant’s student visa has expired and he just wants to return for graduation, he can apply for a visit visa.

  Q: hello sir. I have a CAS letter. But my IELTS is expired in last month. Do I need to retake IELTS for applying visa?

  A: Has the sponsor included this IELTS on your CAS? If so, you will need to submit it. You may want to check with them if they still accept it as it has expired.








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