
2017-06-09 作者: 303阅读







  A. 背景问题。知道自己是谁,怎么得到的录取,去的哪所学校,也包括家庭背景。

  1. What will you study in the United States (abroad)?

  2. What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study? How can it explain?

  3. What will you do in USA? What is your purpose to USA? Why do you go to?

  4. What degree will you pursue?

  5. When/where did you get your BS/MS?

  6. What will you do with your Master work?

  7. What are you doing now? Are you a student or are you working? When did you start your work there?

  8. What are you working on? What have you been doing after graduation?

  9. How long will you study in USA?

  10. Have you any scholarship?

  11. What is your academic background?

  12. How do you know this Univ.?

  13. When and where did you take the GRE test? How much is your GRE score?

  14. Where are your parents? Where are you from? Where is your hometown?

  15. How many universities do you apply? Which? Any other school admits you?

  B. 学术相关。对自己所学的领域要有深刻的认识。对所要去的学校,对自己的辅导教授都有很清醒的认识。

  1. Can you say something about your major? What is it all about? What is it for?

  2. How can it be used?

  3. Can it be used on weapons?

  4. Why do you like your major? Why do you want to study this major?

  5. Why do you want to study in USA? Why do you choose US while not Japan or Canada? Why are you going to USA?

  6. Why do you want to study **** major for *** in University of ***?

  7. What's the difference between your current major and the major in USA?

  8. Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else?

  C. 资金相关。证明自己有能力在不打工的情况下完成学业。

  1. Who will support you when you are in America?

  2. What is your sponsor’s job?

  3. Why does he support you?

  4. How much will your sponsor support you every year?

  5. Are these materials true?

  6. What is the relationship between you and your sponsor?

  7. How much does your sponsor earn every year?

  D. 归国相关。知道自己的未来目标是什么,中国怎么吸引自己,会学成回国。

  1. What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?

  2. What will be your salary then?

  3. How much can your work earn?

  4. Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?

  5. Why won't you stay in USA?

  6. Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?

  7. Oh, you will not come back to China after you graduate, right?


  1. Which is your favorite restaurant (cafe)? What food do you like to eat?

  2. What kind of good things do you know about America?

  3. What is your favorite animal? And why?

  4. What is your best/worst quality?

  5. What do you do in your spare time? What's your funny?

  6. What is your favorite American movie?

  7. What is the thing you don't like most in China?

  8. Do you have a girlfriend? How old are she? Where is she?

  9. Are you sure your girlfriend will keep relation with you during your graduate study?

  10. How long have you prepared your visa interview? Have u prepared the interview in Naturelaw


  1. 着装合适。作为学生,着装时应注意得体大方,给人以彬彬有礼,学识丰富的感觉。

  2. 神态自若。签证时,切忌紧张不自在,应给人以自信而亲切的感觉,而且不卑不亢。

  3. 口语流利。F1学生的口语能力和逻辑能力是决定签证能否成功的决定因素。

  4. 问答清晰。在回答VO问题时,采取总-分的方式。既先说结论,再给出论据,避免被VO打断,而无法说出自己的想法。每个问答的时间最好控制在1分钟左右。

  5. 材料真实。真的假不了,假的真不了,所以尽量的使用真实的材料,真实的想法。

  6. 逻辑清楚。回答问题要前后一致,逻辑清楚,给人以真实,不做作的感觉,博得VO信任。

  7. 注意细节。每个问题都能给出细节方面的论据,越细节,越值得信任。

  8. 量体裁衣。每个人的情况是不一样的,所以每个问题都有合乎自己的答案,切忌千篇一律。

  9. 反应迅速。由于常见问题大家都会准备答案,所以有时VO会故意问一些非常见问 题,以考察签证人是否作假,所以个人的反应能力很重要。

  10. 心态平和。Visa具有随机性,所以无论是Pass还是Check,甚至Rejection都要心 态平和。 总之,自信、真诚、自然、有逻辑。



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