
2017-06-07 作者: 308阅读

  1. Latin and Greek: This major requires two years of both Latin and Greek (i.e., four 4-point courses in each language) or the equivalent, plus either one advanced course in both, or two advanced courses in either.
  2. Classical Civilization: This major requires ten 4-point courses. Either ancient Greek or Latin is required through the intermediate level (i.e., four 4-point courses or the equivalent). The remaining six courses may be selected from the various courses listed below. At least one history course and at least one literature course are required. Students are expected to discuss their program of study with a faculty adviser in the department, and all programs must be approved by the adviser.
  3. Classics-Fine Arts (with emphasis on archaeology): This interdepartmental major requires two years of college-level ancient Greek or Latin or the equivalent, Introduction to Archaeology V27.0305, and four 4-point courses in fine arts (V43.0102, V43.0103, and two others selected from applicable courses, including those in Egyptian and Near Eastern art). This is a flexible major designed to accommodate special interests and requirements. Advanced-level courses in practical archaeology may be taken for credit。
  4. Classical Civilization-Anthropology: This interdepartmental major may follow one of two tracks, each requiring 20 points from the Department of Anthropology and 20 points from the Department of Classics. The first track focuses on archaeology and requires A27.0303, V27.0305, and three other 4-point courses in classical civilization or languages. The second track emphasizes cultural anthropology and classical civilization, and requires A27.0303, V27.0143, and three other 4-point courses in classical civilization or languages. (Note: V27.0011 may not be used to fulfill these electives.) Additional requirements may be found under the Department of Anthropology (14).
  5. Classical Civilization & Hellenic Studies: This major offers the possibility of two different tracks. Both tracks require a total of ten 4-point courses.
  Track A: Here, students concentrate in classical civilization. The major requires ancient Greek through the intermediate level (four 4-point courses), two 4-point courses from the offerings in classical civilization, and four 4-point courses offered through the Onassis Center for Hellenic Studies.
  Track B: This track requires modern Greek through the intermediate level (four 4-point courses), two 4-point courses from the offerings of the Onassis Center for Hellenic Studies, and four 4-point courses from the offerings in classical civilization. (Note: A student already proficient through the first- or second-year level of modern Greek will take two or four courses in place of the first and/or second year of modern Greek, with the consent of the appropriate faculty).
  美国本科段核心课程(core courses):
  Latin Paleography拉丁古文书学
  Greek Papyrology希腊古莎草学
  Medieval Readings about Writing.中古文学欣赏
  Senior Essay for the Intensive Major in Classics经典文学论文写作
  美国硕士段核心课程(core courses):
  (1)The Rhetoric of Empire in Greek, Roman, and Christian Authors
  (3)Syria and Syrians under Greek Colonialism
  (4)Reading Greek
  1 Harvard University哈佛大学
  2 Princeton University普林斯顿大学
  3 Brown University布朗大学
  4 University of Michigan Ann Arbor密西根大学-安娜堡分校
  5 Stanford University斯坦福大学
  6 University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学
  7 Cornell University康乃尔大学
  8 Yale University耶鲁大学
  9 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校
  10 University of California Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校
  11 Columbia University in the City of New York Columbia College哥伦比亚大学纽约哥伦比亚学院
  12 University of Virginia弗吉尼亚大学
  13 Northwestern University西北大学
  14 The University of Chicago芝加哥大学
  15 Duke University杜克大学
  16 University of California Los Angeles加州大学洛杉机分校


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