美国康奈尔大学专业设置介绍 你被哪个专业录取了

2017-06-07 作者: 157阅读


专业名称 专业英文名 本科学院
非洲研究 Africana Studies College of Arts and Sciences
农业科学 Agricultural Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
美国研究 American Studies College of Arts and Sciences
动物科学 Animal Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
人类学 Anthropology College of Arts and Sciences
应用经济学和管理 AppliedEconomicsandManagement College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
考古学 Archaeology College of Arts and Sciences
建筑学 Architecture College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
亚洲研究 Asian Studies College of Arts and Sciences
天文学 Astronomy College of Arts and Sciences
大气科学 Atmospheric Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
生物工程 Biological Engineering College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Engineering
生物科学 Biological Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Arts and Sciences
生物学与社会 Biology and Society College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Arts and Sciences/College of Human Ecology
生物计量与统计学 Biometry andStatistics College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
化学工程 Chemical Engineering College of Engineering
化学 Chemistryand Chemical Biology College of Arts and Sciences
中国与亚太研究 China and Asia-Pacific Studies College of Arts and Sciences
土木工程 Civil Engineering College of Engineering
希腊与拉丁古典文学 Classics (Greek, Latin) College of Arts and Sciences
传播学 Communication College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
比较文学 Comparative Literature College of Arts and Sciences
计算机科学 Computer Science College of Arts and Sciences/College of Engineering
设计与环境分析 Design and Environmental Analysis College of Human Ecology
发展社会学 DevelopmentSociology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
经济学 Economics College of Arts and Sciences
电气与计算机工程 Electrical andComputer Engineering College of Engineering
工程物理 EngineeringPhysics College of Engineering
英语 English College of Arts and Sciences
昆虫学 Entomology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
环境工程 Environmental Engineering College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Engineering
性、性别与女性主义 Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies College of Arts and Sciences
纺织与服装设计 Fiber Science and Apparel Design College of Human Ecology
美术 Fine Arts College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
食品科学 Food Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
法语 French College of Arts and Sciences
德语研究 German Studies College of Arts and Sciences
政府学 Government College of Arts and Sciences
历史 History College of Arts and Sciences
建筑史(转学生) History of Architecture(transfer students only) College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
艺术史 History of Art College of Arts and Sciences
酒店管理 Hotel Administration School of Hotel Administration
人类生物学 Human Biology, Health and Society College of Human Ecology
人类发展 Human Development College of Human Ecology
工业与劳动关系学 Industrial and Labor Relations School of Industrial and Labor Relations
信息科学 Information Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Arts and Sciences
信息科学、系统与技术 Information Science, Systems, and Technology College of Engineering
国际农业与农村发展 International Agriculture and Rural Development College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
意大利语 Italian  
景观设计 Landscape Architecture College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
语言学 Linguistics College of Arts and Sciences
材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering College of Engineering
数学 Mathematics College of Arts and Sciences
机械工程 Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering
音乐 Music College of Arts and Sciences
近东研究 Near Eastern Studies College of Arts and Sciences
营养学 Nutritional Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Human Ecology
运筹学与工程 OperationsResearch and Engineering College of Engineering
表演及媒体艺术 Performing and Media Arts College of Arts and Sciences
哲学 Philosophy College of Arts and Sciences
物理 Physics College of Arts and Sciences
植物科学 Plant Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
政策分析与管理 Policy Analysis and Management College of Human Ecology
心理学 Psychology College of Arts and Sciences
宗教研究 Religious Studies College of Arts and Sciences
科学与技术学 Science and Technology Studies College of Arts and Sciences
地球系统科学 Science of Earth Systems College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Arts and Sciences/College of Engineering
自然与环境系统科学 Science of Natural and Environmental Systems(Environmental Science and Sustainability) College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
社会学 Sociology College of Arts and Sciences
西班牙语 Spanish College of Arts and Sciences
统计学 Statistical Science College of Arts and Sciences
城市与区域研究 Urban and Regional Studies College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
葡萄与葡萄酒 Viticulture and Enology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences



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