
2017-06-05 作者: 385阅读

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  In my capacity as the chairman of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, the School of Life Science, Nankai University, I deem it a pleasure to recommend Mr. Bruce Liu as a worthy candidate for graduate studies at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology of your esteemed university.

  Over the past four years, I delivered two important courses Genetics and Cell Engineering to the Mr. Liu‘s class and his performance was impressive. He is endowed with a strong curiosity in the quest for new knowledge. Bore attending each class, he would make full preparations so that he could quickly assimilate what was being taught. Sometimes he could come up with some surprisingly thought-provocative questions and he had a habit of discussing important problems with me in great detail. During those discussions, he often brought with him valuable materials that he obtained from a large quantity of technical literature. Such an initiative enabled him to broaden his ken of knowledge extensively and to cultivate and significantly improve his ability in reading technical literature in English and to follow the latest scientific and technological development in the world. Therore, even bore he graduated, he had already distinguished himself from the rest of his classmates in his English proficiency. Furthermore, his indatigable spirit of reading large amount of technical materials was not simply intended to secure high scores in his coursework, but more importantly, to satisfy his almost insatiable interest in biology.

  Apart from this, I was also very impressed by Mr. Liu‘s hands-on ability in conducting experiments. For many complicated experiments, he undertook them with a rigorous and conscientious attitude and would always complete them satisfactorily. In dealing with crucial steps involved in the experiments, he tended to make bold hypotheses and conduct substantial observations, ultimately achieving remarkable results. All those testify to Mr. Liu‘s tremendous potential in academic research, especially in his analytical skills and in the execution of experimental procedures.

  In addition to his scholastic aptitudes, Mr. Liu can be described as trustworthy in personality. His kind-hearted nature and his integrity have created many friends for him. By no means a bookworm, Mr. Liu took an active part in extracurricular activities in which he enhanced his group spirit and the sense of collectivism. His willingness to assist his classmates has brought him a very high reputation.

  To summarize, Mr. Liu has been an outstanding student in our department and he is fully qualified to undertake high-level studies in a more challenging environment. His excellent qualities will undoubtedly facilitate him in achieving satisfactory results in his future academic pursuit and in his career.

  Yours Sincerely

  Professor and Chairman of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department

  Nankai University






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