
2017-06-05 作者: 388阅读

  Law constantly changes to rlect the present time in our society, and it is the corner stone of any civilization. Unlike many other developed countries, China’s legal system is still in its infancy stage. As such, the practice of law presents a huge challenge as many cases are first impressions to test the limit of the old and newly promulgated laws and regulations. As someone who is eager for taking on this challenge, I found Law Department of your university to be the ideal place to sharpen the tools needed to pursue a career in Law.

  Born in an intellectual family, I was encouraged by parents to read more books in my young age and I showed a natural talent for learning and was blessed with a strong memory. After National College Entrance Examination, with the excellent record I was accepted by xx University Law School. The solid and comprehensive coursework that I did for my program covered almost all fields of jurisprudence, including Constitutional Law, Legal Theory, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Finance Law, and Public and Private International Law etc.. However, my sole weakness lies in the fact of low GPA during the early part of my college career. There are two reasons I think I can demonstrate. One is, during the first two years, I may be too immature to care about scores. The other one is, I enjoyed working for community and had interns in quite a few companies, which took me a large amount of time in practicing and working and these two factors did affect my academic performance. One cannot change what has happened in the past and can only move on while cherishing the experience we derive from our mistakes. In some ways, I am glad that I made the mistake of not earning higher marks in the early part of my college years, and such mistake motivated me and taught me not to repeat the same in the future.

  I believe that the law is not always black or white and that it rlects and can be influenced by history, culture, political and economic situations, and the overall environment of the international community. Therore, when analyzing a legal phenomenon or certain clauses of law, I am used to taking various factors into consideration to analyze and get more reasonable and comprehensive understanding. However, I couldn’t be clearer that the real meaning of law lies in practices and thus took every chance to accumulate abundant first-hand experience in undertaking legal matters during the undergraduate period. I took part in No. 2 Reconnaissance Section, Anticorruption Bureau, People’s Procuratorate of xxx, Compliance Bureau xx Court, xxx Law Firm and xx xx Law Firm. I saw this experience as the first taste of my future legal career. My work at Law Firm exposed me to some of the realities of law such as the legal atmosphere, the commitment and initiative required, and the diversity and complexity of the job itself. Whether doing investigation, correcting dictation, or watching the lawyer in court, I was glad to have participated in the legal process. Meanwhile, this experience made me realize that injustice and suffering in the world are too widespread to be solved only by someone or a certain group of people. Only by attacking the roots of these problems can I play a more substantial role in the dense of denseless victims and thus get more involved in it.

  The deeper I delved into the legal field, the more dects I found in the existing legal system of China. In my opinion, a current legal problem facing China is the judicial corruption and injustices. China’s existing judicial system, established under the conventional framework, is increasingly failing to facilitate the development of the market economy and the formation of a society ruled by law. Judicial injustices have constituted the most serious obstacle that are seriously endangering China’s social and economic programs, jeopardizing social stability and resulting in the general public’s skepticism, distrust and even contempt for the authority of law. China’s accession into the WTO, a drastic event which marks China’s determination to conform to international practices, has further rendered the existing judicial system obsolescent. The system of market economy, which China is assiduously trying to establish, will be inconceivable without a sound judicial system. In view of those above, it’s necessary for us to study and to learn from the “Rule-by-Law” concepts and experiences in western countries. It also requires the rational guidance, strong advocacy and brave trailblazing on the part of judicial professionals represented by jurists, lawyers and judges. It can thus be concluded that judicial rorm is the key of the keys to the construction of China as a “Rule-by-Law” country.

  In order to prect Chinese law, one must learn advanced law and way of thinking from the west. Though there are many limitations of Chinese legal system, they also show that China legal has a great developmental potential. After completing my LLM at your institution, where I will have the opportunity to enjoy a renowned faculty, and a wide range of course offerings, I would like to become an excellent international lawyer back home, apply the advanced legal knowledge and particularly way of thinking that I have learned in the United States to China, and make my contributions to Chinese legal rorm.






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