
2017-06-05 作者: 265阅读

  Mechanical engineering is the foundation of industry. It plays a key role in the national economy. It’s broad field including general engineering, aeronautical, chemical and nuclear engineering, etc. Provides a sufficient room of choices for me to realize the dream of becoming a scientist or a mechanical engineer. It was with this fact in mind that I decided to choose mechanical engineering as the major field of study for both undergraduate and graduate career at Tsinghua University.

  During nearly eight years of study at Tsinghua University, I completed a total of 47 courses in undergraduate study, 14 courses in graduate study. The major courses that interested me most included: Theoretical Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Elasticity and Plasticity Mechanical Analysis of Plastic Dormation Processes, Theory of Metal Forming, Computer Language and Programming, Mechanical Design, etc… After graduation, I entered the First Heaby Machinery Works (in northeast of China). During this period, I became familiar with the design and manufacturing of some heavy machines, thus furthering my interest in mechanical engineering. At the same time, I found that many good ideas of design could not be put into existence because of the backwardness in raw material quality and processing techniques. This fact impelled the related areas and me to concentrate my research interest on materials science and processing. Through carul survey, I selected a subject about the quality control of heavy disc forging and took it as my research subject for master degree. After over tow years of investigation, I finally made a great innovation in the forging process, making the end product rate increase from 50% to 90%. In the course of investigation and my later working after graduate study, I also found some problems that are common in mechanical industry. For example, how do cracks in products during hot metal working generate and develop? How to avoid cracks? How do non-metallic inclusions affect the properties of materials? How to control the content, shape and distribution of inclusions in final products? Solution to these problems will improve the quality of many kinds of products. But they are often difficult to be solved because they include knowledge of many disciplines and require many new research methods. I feel that what I have learned is far from sufficient to tackle all the problems. Thus I have decided to continue my education by pursuing a doctoral degree in mechanical engineering in a highly industrialized country like the United States.

  I plan to complete my degree objective I 3 to 5 year and hope that I will be able to further my knowledge I areas including Solid Mechanics, Materials Science and Processes, CAD/CAM, etc… After completing my graduate study, I will return to contribute my learning to my country. I plan to work as a researcher of a teacher at an institute or a university.





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  • 李昂 向我咨询

    行业年龄 6年

    成功案例 1602人

  • 冷瀚铂 向我咨询

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    成功案例 2694人

    1. 多年龄段客户群体,对高中、本科、硕士、博士都有深入了解 2. 在美曾从事国际生招生工作,了解美国学校招生流程 3. 多年top30学校申请经验,美高、美本学生居多。 4. 同时兼顾多国家线申请。

  • 庞娇 向我咨询

    行业年龄 6年

    成功案例 1602人

    工作认真细心负责,与客户交流沟通耐心温和。 几年留学行业的工作经验,使我申请涉及的专业领域更加广泛,目前已经涉及专业的申请领域囊括了金融、会计、市场营销、经济、国际贸易、设计、生物、生物工程、计算机工程、工业工程、MBA、通讯工程、艺术等近25个专业,同时创下学校申请百分百录取的好成绩。工作期间,已成功为学生申请到。擅长申请高中,本科及转学,研究生等各类学生。

  • 王星A 向我咨询

    行业年龄 6年

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    擅长挖掘申请者背景,让申请者找到自身优势,在申请博士方面积累了丰富经验,给学生做出最优的申请方案,在过程中与学生一起分析学校,专业,教授以及学生背景的匹配因素,指导学生与教授以及学校联系,抓住学生背景亮点,指导学生顺利完成申请的各个方面工作。最终帮助众多申请博士全奖的学生获得心仪的录取,并暂获全奖OFFER,半奖等,累积帮助学生获得奖学金金额超过600w美金。          对于各国签证政策有独到的见解,擅长分析疑难杂症申请者,多次帮助签证大难申请者获得签证。国内多个留学签证论坛的版主,十年来义务为大家解答疑难问题,被大家亲切地称为签证专家 

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