2017-06-03 502阅读
Advertising and Marketing Communications, MA
CIM Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, PG Dip (Part-time)
Creative Media Practice, MA/PD (Online)
Creative and Media Education, MA/PD (Online)
Management with Marketing, MSc
Master of Business Administration, MBA
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Multi-Media Journalism, MA
Public Relations, MA
Retail Management, MSc
Short Courses for Media Professionals (Short Course) (Online)
3D Computer Animation, MA/PD
Computer Animation and Visual Effects, MSc
Creative Media Practice, MA/PD (Online)
Creative and Media Education, MA/PD (Online)
Digital Effects, MA
Geometric Algebra Skills Update (Short Course)
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Professional Doctorate, DProf
Short Courses for Media Professionals (Short Course) (Online)
Assessing archaeological landscapes in coastal zones. Evaluation of terrestrial and airborne laser scanning survey techniques., PhD - (Research)
Building Conservation, MSc (Part-time)
Forensic Archaeology: Crime Scene and International Investigations, MSc
Forensic Toxicology by Research, MSc
Forensic and Biological Anthropology, MSc
Human Osteoarchaeology, MSc
Maritime Archaeology, MSc
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Museum Studies, MA
Osteoarchaeology, MSc
Recovery and Identification of Human Remains, MSc
Timber Building Conservation, MSc (Part-time)
World Heritage Resource Management, MA
Zooarchaeology, MSc
CIM Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, PG Dip (Part-time)
Corporate Governance, MSc (Part-time)
Events Management, MSc
Finance with Risk Management, MSc
Intellectual Property, LLM
Intellectual Property, PG Cert
International Business Finance, MSc
International Business Management, MSc
International Commercial Law, LLM
International Disaster Management (Short Course)
Law/CPE, Grad Dip
Legal Practice Course, LPC
Management, MSc
Management with Human Resources, MSc (Part-time)
Management with Human Resources, MSc
Management with Marketing, MSc
Management with Project Management, MSc
Master of Business Administration, MBA
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Retail Management, MSc
Short Courses for Media Professionals (Short Course) (Online)
Tourism Management, MSc
Tourism Management and Marketing, MSc
Tourism Management and Planning, MSc
Tourism and Hospitality Management, MSc
Advanced Computing, MSc
Computing (Software Engineering), MSc/PD
Creating artificial sensation by tactile sensing and innervations through nerve endings , PhD
Information Technology, MSc
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Probabilistic modelling of customer behaviour using nature-inspired hybrid optimisation techniques, PhD - (Research)
Smart Systems and Technology, MSc
Wireless and Mobile Networks, MSc
Assessment of habitat condition and conservation status for lowland British woodland using earth observation techniques., PhD - (Research)
Biodiversity Conservation, MSc
Disaster Management - Training of Trainers (Short Course)
Ecosystem service provision in dynamic heath landscapes, PhD - (Research)
Environmental Informatics, MSc
Environmental Management by Research, MSc
GeoInformatics by Research, MSc
International Disaster Management (Short Course)
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Predicting salmonid population ecology from individual fish responses to environmental change: bridging behaviour, conservation and fishery management, PhD - (Research)
Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Lightweight Structures (Short Course)
Aircraft Structural Integrity (Short Course)
Design Realisation (Short Course)
Fundamentals of Structural Integrity in Design (Fatigue and Damage Tolerance) (Short Course)
Intellectual Property, PG Cert
Load Measurement of In-service Marine Structures to Influence their Design, PhD
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Mechanics of Materials and Lightweight Structures (Short Course)
Mobile Application Development (Short Course)
Network Design and Management (Short Course)
Product Design Innovation, MSc
Product Design Management, MA
Project Management, MSc
Rapid Product Development, MSc
Software Design (Short Course)
Sustainable Methodology of Conserving Historic Vehicles, PhD - (Research)
Sustainable Product Design, MSc/PD
Using Simulation for Competitive Advantage (Short Course)
Wireless Network Systems (Short Course)
Corporate Governance, MSc (Part-time)
Finance with Risk Management, MSc
International Business Finance, MSc
International Business with Economics, MA
Master of Business Administration, MBA
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Air Crash Scene Recovery (Short Course)
Disaster Management - Training of Trainers (Short Course)
Forensic Archaeology: Crime Scene and International Investigations, MSc
Forensic Photography (Short Course)
Forensic Scene Photography (Short Course)
Forensic Toxicology by Research, MSc
Forensic and Biological Anthropology, MSc
International Disaster Management (Short Course)
Introduction to Forensic Entomology (Short Course)
Mass Graves (Short Course)
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Recovery and Identification of Human Remains, MSc
Temporary Mortuaries (Short Course)
Advanced Mental Health Practice, MA (Part-time)
Advanced Nurse Practitioner, PG Dip (Part-time)
Advanced Nurse Practitioner, BSc (Hons) (Part-time)
Advanced Practice, BSc (Hons) - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals) (Part-time)
Advanced Practice (Nursing), MSc (Part-time)
Chemo-brain: Potential cognitive dicits, including language and memory, following chemotherapy for cancer survivors., PhD - (Research)
Chiropractic & Ultrasound Postgraduate Courses at the AECC, MSc
Emergency and Urgent Care Practice (Post-Qualification) , BSc (Hons) - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals) (Part-time)
Foundations of Clinical Psychology, MSc
Graduate Certificate Practice Assessment, PG Cert (Part-time)
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Nursing, MSc
Overseas Nurse Programme (Short Course)
Post Qualifying Award in Social Work , - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals) (Part-time)
Post- registration CPD scheme , (Part-time)
Professional Leadership (Post-Qualification) , Grad Dip - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals) (Part-time)
Professional Leadership (Post-Qualification) , BSc (Hons) - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals) (Part-time)
Professional Practice , DProf (Part-time)
Professional Practice (Health and Social Care), MSc (Part-time)
Professional Practice (Medicine), PG Cert (Part-time)
Public Health, MSc
Public Health Nursing, MSc (Part-time)
Public Health with registration as a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (SCPHN), PG Dip
Return to Midwifery Practice , - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals)
Return to Practice (Nursing) , - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals) (Part-time)
Unit in Managing Low Back Pain , MSc (Online)
Advertising and Marketing Communications, MA
Creative Media Practice, MA/PD (Online)
Creative and Media Education, MA/PD (Online)
Master of Business Administration, MBA
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Multi-Media Journalism, MA
Public Relations, MA
Screenwriting, MA/PD
Short Courses for Media Professionals (Short Course) (Online)
Writing for the Media, MA
Corporate Governance, MSc (Part-time)
Intellectual Property, PG Cert
Intellectual Property, LLM
International Commercial Law, LLM
Law/CPE, Grad Dip
Legal Practice Course, LPC
Management with Human Resources, MSc
Master of Business Administration, MBA
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Professional Skills Course for Trainee Solicitors (Short Course)
Creative Media Practice, MA/PD (Online)
Creative and Media Education, MA/PD (Online)
Digital Effects, MA
Directing Digital Film and Television, MA
Interactive Media, MA
Introduction to Final Cut Pro 6 (Short Course)
Master of Business Administration, MBA
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Multi-Media Journalism, MA
Post Production Editing, MA
Producing Film and Television, MA
Radio Production, MA
Screenwriting, MA/PD
Short Courses for Media Professionals (Short Course) (Online)
Soundtrack Production: Composing for the Screen, MA
Soundtrack Production: Sound Design for the Screen, MA
Writing for the Media, MA
Advanced Mental Health Practice, MA (Part-time)
Advanced Practice (Nursing), MSc (Part-time)
Applied Health Studies (Post-Qualification) , BSc (Hons) - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals) (Part-time)
Applied Health Studies (Post-Qualification) , Grad Dip - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals)
Approved Social Work Practice, Grad Dip (Part-time)
Approved Social Work Practice , BA (Hons) (Part-time)
Children & Family Studies , BA (Hons) (Part-time)
Children & Family Studies , Grad Dip (Part-time)
Clinical Practice (Post-Qualification) , BSc (Hons) - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals) (Part-time)
Consolidation and Preparation for Specialist Practice , - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals) (Part-time)
Enabling Work-Based Learning , - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals) (Part-time)
Foundations of Clinical Psychology, MSc
Graduate Certificate Practice Assessment, PG Cert (Part-time)
Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care, Grad Dip (Part-time)
Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care , BA (Hons) - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals) (Part-time)
Leading and Developing Services, MA/PD (Part-time)
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Post- registration CPD scheme , (Part-time)
Professional Practice (Health and Social Care), MSc (Part-time)
Psychosocial Interventions for Psychosis (Post-Qualification), BSc (Hons) (Part-time)
Vulnerable Adults and Community Care Practice, Grad Dip - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals) (Part-time)
Vulnerable Adults and Community Care Practice , BA (Hons) - (Qualified Healthcare Professionals) (Part-time)
Events Management, MSc
Master of Business Administration, MBA
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Sport Management, MSc
Fundamentals of Sonar (Short Course)
Introduction to Sonar (Short Course)
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
Mobile Application Development (Short Course)
Network Design and Management (Short Course)
Software Design (Short Course)
Wireless Network Systems (Short Course)
CoursesEuropean Tourism Management - Bilingual Pathway, MA
Master of Business Administration, MBA
Master of Philosophy, MPhil - (Research)
National Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (NCPLH) (Short Course)
Tourism Management, MSc
Tourism Management and Marketing, MSc
Tourism Management and Planning, MSc
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