泰晤士高等教育奖2015结果公布 18所英国大学获奖

2017-06-02 作者: 218阅读

  泰晤士高等教育奖2015结果公布,18所英国大学获奖。当地时间2015年11月27日,英国《泰晤士高等教育》(英文全称:Times Higher Education,英文简称:Times Higher或THE)公布Times Higher Education Awards 2015 结果,18个类别获奖。

  英国考文垂大学(Coventry University)回归Times Higher Education Awards 2015年度最佳大学称号。

  Times Higher Education Awards 2015颁奖典礼在伦敦的Grosvenor House Hotel宣布获奖者,其他还包括东英格利亚大学(University of East Anglia),它获得了年度研究项目;

  利兹大学(Leeds University),拿下年度最佳创业型大学;

  伦敦大学国王学院(King's College London),赢得年度最佳国际合作。

  THE Awards 2015 winners

  University of the Year

  Coventry University

  Most Innovative Teacher of the Year

  Momodou Sallah, De Montfort University

  Entrepreneurial University of the Year

  University of Leeds

  International Collaboration of the Year

  King’s College London

  Most Improved Student Experience

  Southampton Solent University

  Outstanding Employer Engagement Initiative

  University of Portsmouth

  Outstanding Contribution to Leadership Development

  University of Huddersfield

  Widening Participation or Outreach Initiative of the Year

  Keele University

  Business School of the Year

  Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University

  Outstanding Digital Innovation in Teaching or Research

  Bournemouth University

  Outstanding International Student Strategy

  University of the West of England

  Outstanding Support for Students

  Newcastle University

  Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology

  Cardiff University

  Research Project of the Year

  University of East Anglia

  Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers

  University of Nottingham

  Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community

  Royal Holloway, University of London

  Excellence and Innovation in the Arts

  Royal Northern College of Music

  The Lord Dearing Lifetime Achievement Award

  Laurie Taylor



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