
2017-06-02 作者: 363阅读


  1、数据源于The Best Schools公布的IB全国会考官方数据。

  2.、因公平原则, 排名仅选择了IB应届参加考试人数在15人及以上的学校。由于部分学校未及时将会考数据提交ISC, 故其排名未有显示。


名次 学校(寄宿中学) 学校性质 考生人数(人) IB平均分
1 Cheltenham Ladies' College 女校 20 39.9
1 Sevenoaks School 合校 208 39.9
3 St Edward's School 合校 25 37
4 Oakham School 合校 51 36.5
5 Fettes College 合校 39 36.2
6 Haileybury 合校 50 36
6 Bedford School 男校 34 36
8 St Clare's 合校 95 35.9
8 Royal High School 女校 20 35.9
10 United World College of the Atlantic 合校 173 35.7
11 Ardingly College 合校 35 35.5
12 Malvern College 合校 106 35.4
13 Worth School 合校 32 35.3
14 Marlborough College 合校 28 35
15 Marymount International School 女校 50 34.5
16 Gresham's School 合校 16 34
17 Windermere School 合校 38 34
17 St Leonards School 合校 45 34
17 Taunton School 合校 22 33.6
20 Sidcot School 合校 16 33.5
21 King Edward's School 合校 37 33
21 Warminster School 合校 21 33
21 The American School in England 合校 35 33
21 ACS Cobham International School 合校 60 33
25 Felsted School 合校 22 32.8
26 Bromsgrove School 合校 37 32
27 Rydal Penrhos 合校 28 31.4
28 Scarborough College 合校 40 31.2
29 King William's College 合校 62 31.1
30 CATS Canterbury 合校 19 30.2
31 Ellesmere College 合校 22 29.8
32 Bolitho School 合校 17 29.3
33 Box Hill School 合校 39 28.4
名次 学校(寄宿中学) 学校性质 考生人数(人) IB平均分
1 Headington School 女校 13 38.5
2 Brentwood School 合校 10 36
3 Sherborne School for Girls 女校 13 35.9
4 leighton Park School 合校 8 35
5 Plymouth College 合校 4 34
6 Sherborne School for Boys 男校 13 33.7
7 Rossal School 合校 14 32
8 Stanborough School 合校 8 30.8
9 Queen Ethlburga's College 合校 6 30.2






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