
2017-06-01 作者: 12阅读


  编者按:Master’s Scholarship in Business Administration or International Business for Citizens outside the UK at University of Edin.

  欧洲商学院排名出现明显变化 UCL2012年本科留学生奖学金 大英帝国的博物馆与美术馆 Master’s Scholarship in Business Administration or International Business for Citizens outside the UK at University of Edinburgh, UK 2012-2013

  Study Subject(s):Business Administration, International Business

  Course Level:Master’s

  Scholarship Provider:University of Edinburgh

  Scholarship can be taken at:UK

  Scholarship Description:

  The Victor H. Loewenstein Scholarship is awarded to a student from outside the UK so as to enhance the international nature of the programme.

  The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and the benits to the student. Each scholarship will be worth £5,000.Applicants should submit a 1,000 word essay, explaining why they feel they should be awarded a scholarship, and how the scholarship will benit them.

  This essay should accompany their application for the MBA programme. The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and the benits to the student. The decision will be made by a committee consisting of Directors and key staff from Admissions.


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