
2013-08-27 作者: 76阅读

 the anu college of business and economics has recently undertaken an academic review of these requirements in an fort to maintain the high calibre of applicants who are applying for these programs and to ensure they equipped with the relevant education background.

 from the academic review the following changes will now apply to direct entry applications for the bachelor of actuarial studies and bachelor of statistics based on gao kao results only:  

  for students interested in these programs additional evidence is required on the level of maths study the students have completed. this is to ensure they have met the colleges math entry requirements.  evidence may be from high school or university study and should include course outlines or information describing the topics covered in the maths subjects to demonstrate the content of their study.  direct entry into the bachelor of actuarial studies and bachelor of statistics is not possible based on gaokao alone


applications for studies in actuarial studies and statistics are assessed by our academic staff and so we are working with them and you to facilitate high calibre students into this specialised program. our goal in this is to ensure that all students from all backgrounds have the required level of math skills and ability to succeed in their chosen field of study, and for actuarial studies and statistics this is especially important. 


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