[移民与签证] 英国正式关闭非英国境内的高技术移民申请

2013-03-09 作者: 254阅读


The UK Border Agency has announced that itwill stop accepting Tier 1 (General) applications made overseas from 00:01 on23 December 2010. This is to ensure that we do not exceed the limit set by thegovernment for issued Tier 1 (General) applications between 19 July 2010 andApril 2011.

Tier 1 (General) overseas will not reopenfor applications. Tier 1 (General) in the UK will remain open until 5 April2011. There will be transitional arrangements beyond 6 April 2011 for someapplicants who are already in the UK, and we will announce details ofthese in due course.

Following a court judgement on Friday, thegovernment has also set a limit until 5 April 2011 on the number ofcertificates of sponsorship that are available to licensed Tier 2 sponsorsunder Tier 2 (General). The level of the limit will be 10,832, and the changeswill take place immediately.

Immigration Minister Damian Green said:

'This ruling is about process, not policy -the policy of having a limit has not been found to be unlawful. The court'sruling rests on a technicality, which we have set right today to ensure thatfrom now on the interim limit is back up and running. 

'This judgment does not affect the annualcap in any way. The interim limit was a temporary measure introduced specificallyto tackle a rush of applications ahead of the introduction of the annual limit.

'As a result of the volume of applicationsreceived since the interim limit was introduced last July, no more Tier 1 visaapplications from overseas will be accepted after 22 December. 

'The government remains firmly committed toreducing net migration to the tens of thousands.' 

The changes are set out in a new Statementof changes to the Immigration Rules (HC 698).

You can find Damian Green's writtenministerial statement setting out the changes under 'Related documents' on theright side of this page.


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