2017-04-06 267阅读
马凯特大学是一所四年制私立天主教大学,获《美国新闻与世界报道》评为二级国家级大学,全美学术排名《Academic ReputationRanking》第107,《纽约时报大学指南》则给予它三颗星的学术评分。该校会派员参加在香港举行的“美国大学教育展览”,颇欢迎香港学生申请入读。
研究生院;文理学院;商业管理学院;传播、新闻和表演艺术学院;工学院;护理学院;教育学院;法学院; 牙医学院
马凯特大学大学学校有学生会、专门的海外留学生福利办公室,提供学生健康服务;住房办公室/住宿官员为学生提供贴身式服务。勤工俭学中心等能为海外学生带来很多业余工作机会。校园影院每日开放,能够第一时间欣赏到世界名片和新片。 研究生院
School Type
Independent Roman Catholic (Jesuit), Coed
Urban 80-acre campus
Degrees Offered
Bachelor‘s, Master’s, Doctoral, First Professional, Post-Master‘s, Postbachelor’s, and First Professional Certificates
Comprehensive Costs
$35,426 includes full-time tuition ($28,680), mandatory fees ($416), and room and board ($6330). Part-time tuition: $835 per credit
(Cost includes full-time tuition plus additional fees such as room and board and mandatory fees)
Entrance Difficulty
Moderately difficult , 65% of applicants were admitted
Application Deadlines
12/1 (freshmen), 12/1 (transfers)
Admission: 15,193 applied; 9,905 admitted; 1,950 enrolled
Test Scores
sat critical reading scores over 500 86%
SAT math scores over 500 89%
SAT writing scores over 500 86%
ACT scores over 18 99%
SAT critical reading scores over 600 43%
SAT math scores over 600 50%
SAT writing scores over 600 43%
ACT scores over 24 79%
SAT critical reading scores over 700 9%
SAT math scores over 700 9%
SAT writing scores over 700 6%
ACT scores over 30 20%
Options: electronic application, derred entrance
Application fee: $30
Required: essay or personal statement, high school transcript, minimum 2.5 GPA, 1 letter of recommendation
Recommended: minimum 3.4 GPA
Application deadlines: 12/1 (freshmen), 12/1 (transfers)
Notification: 1/31 (freshmen), 1/31 (transfers)
Cost and Financial Aid
Costs (2009-10)
Comprehensive Costs: $35,426 includes full-time tuition ($28,680), mandatory fees ($416), and room and board ($6330). Part-time tuition: $835 per credit
Room and board: College room only: $3350
Financial Aid
Of all full-time matriculated undergraduates who enrolled in 2008, 5,275 applied for aid, 4,375 were judged to have need, 1,247 had their need fully met
In 2008, 1613 non-need-based awards were made
Average percent of need met: 79%
Average financial aid package: $20,038
Average need-based loan: $5388
Average need-based gift aid: $13,592
Average non-need-based aid: $8699
Average indebtedness upon graduation: $30,563
Student Body
Undergraduate Student Population
8,012 undergraduate students, 53% women, 47% men, 2% transferred in, 5% African American, 4% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 6% Hispanic American, 0.4% Native American
International Population
1% representing 42 other countries
Housing Info
51% live on campus
Campus Life
Housing: On-campus residence required through sophomore year
Options: Coed, men-only, women-only, disabled students, Campus housing is university owned. Freshman campus housing is guaranteed
Activities: Drama/theater group, student-run newspaper, radio and television station, choral group, student government, club sports, community service organizations, band/jazz/orchestra, Residence Hall Association, national fraternities, national sororities
Most popular organizations: Student government, club sports, community service organizations, band/jazz/orchestra, Residence Hall Association
Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late-night transport/escort service, 24-hour desk attendants in residence halls
Student services: Health clinic, personal/psychological counseling
Academic Programs
Special study options: Accelerated degree program, adult/continuing education programs, advanced placement credit, cooperative education, double majors, English as a second language, honors programs, internships, off-campus study, part-time degree program, services for LD students, study abroad, summer session for credit
ROTC: Army (b), Navy (b), Air Force (b)
School Calendar: Semesters
Total: 1,096
Full-time: 57% full-time
Student/faculty ratio: 15:1
Member: NCAA, Division: All Division I
Scholarship sports
Basketball, cross-country running, golf (m), soccer, tennis, track and field, volleyball (w)
Nonscholarship sports
Baseball (m-club), cheerleading, crew (club), fencing (club), football (m-club), lacrosse (m-club), rugby (club), skiing (downhill) (club), softball (w-club), swimming and diving (club), volleyball (m-club)
Intramural sports
Badminton M/W, basketball M/W, football W, golf M/W, racquetball M/W, soccer M/W, softball M/W, squash M/W, tennis M/W, track and field M/W, ultimate Frisbee M/W, volleyball M/W, water polo M/W, weight lifting M/W
Intercollegiate sports
Baseball M(c), basketball M(s)/W(s), cheerleading M/W, crew M(c)/W(c), cross-country running M(s)/W(s), fencing M(c)/W(c), football M(c), golf M(s), lacrosse M(c), rugby M(c)/W(c), skiing (downhill) M(c)/W(c), soccer M(s)/W(s), softball W(c), swimming and diving M(c)/W(c), tennis M(s)/W(s), track and field M(s)/W(s), volleyball M(c)/W(s)
School Facilities
Main Library Name: Raynor Memorial Libraries
Other Library: 1
Collection: 1.6 million titles; 24,242 serial subscriptions;
Endowment: $357.3 million
Contact Info
Mr. Robert Blust, Dean of Undergraduate Admissions
Marquette University
PO Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881
Phone: 414-288-7004
Toll-free: 800-222-6544
Fax: 414-288-3764
历史学 商科
研究生院;文理学院;商业管理学院;传播、新闻和表演艺术学院;工学院;护理学院;教育学院;法学院; 牙医学院主要课程:法学与人文学、商业与管理、计算学与多媒体、媒体与设计、卫生与社会关怀、社会科学、运动与训练、工程与技术、科学、休闲与旅游、市场营销/公共
本科生 TOEFL68.00 IELTS0.00 SAT587.00 ACT25.00 A-Level0.00 GPA0.00 研究生 TOEFL80.00 IELTS0.00 GRE0.00 gmat0.00 LSAT0.00 GPA3.40
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