
2016-02-22 作者: 978阅读



  18. Some children do not appear to have language talent, so schools should not require them learning a foreign language. What is your opinion? (09.06.20)


  这是一道教育类的新题. 外语学习的作文题在最近两年有所增加, 是个可以注意的趋势.


  全球化让外语学习成为必须完成的学习任务.Language acquisition has evolved from a need to a must in a globalised world.


  语言学习涉及到学生未来的交流技能,甚至需要对语言非常熟练achieve superior proficiency.


  强制教育可能会导致学生对语言学习的厌恶Demanding language tasks might engender frustration among students, causing their resentment against language acquisition.



  很多科目的学习是不需要以外语为基础的,学生未必能够学以致用apply what one has learned to practice

  结论:学校应该要求学生学习外语,但是应该给予更多的灵活度.Schools should require students to learn a foreign language, but should be given more flexibility

  A concluding remark is that schools should not be held back by some students’ apparent lack of capacity for language learning. Instead, flexibility should be given in learning task design so as to boost students' interest in language acquisition. In a world where nobody is exempt from communication in a second language, learning a foreign language has its justifications.

  19. Students are now sent to boarding schools and even other countries (away from home, to study and live on their own). This has become more and more common in many countries. What are the reasons for this? Is it a positive development? (09.07.25)


  学生现在被送到了寄宿学校, 甚至是国外(远离家人, 独力学习和生活). 在很多国家, 这已经变得很普遍. 原因是什么? 是否这代表着一个积极的变化?



  因为父母工作的原因,有些家庭总是居无定所have to cope with geographic displacement frequently而寄宿学校可以确保教育的延续性educational continuity

  学生的情况可以一直被监督regular supervised study periods成绩会提高更快high achievement standards

  集体生活communal life可以培养学生和其他人,比如教职员工和同学的关系the community atmosphere fosters relationship between students and others, as faculty and classmates,增加与人交往的机会培养集体意识



  导致学生和社会隔离to cause to be in a detached or isolated position.

  导致孩子和父母的关系疏远alienate children from parents无法满足其情感需要emotional needs从而加大与父母之间的代沟

  学生自由掌握的时间减少less free time大部分时候要遵从学校的安排

  受同年龄群体的不良影响的机会增加receive negative influence from peer group

  Those who study at a boarding school or go overseas for educational purposes have appeared to account for a growing proportion of students in many countries. There are a number of motivators behind parents' decisions to send students to boarding schools or foreign countries. These motivators might be reasonable, but this trend should not be welcomed.

  Today, parents are interested in putting their children in an institution remote from the neighborhood, so as to protect their children from the risk of drug use, joining gangs and teen sex. Under the supervision of staff in school, children are required and expected to discipline themselves and concentrate on their schoolwork. In addition, parents are motivated by the idea that their children might improve their abilities to cope with daily problems independently in a boarding school, where they cannot turn to parents for help, even in handling seemingly trivial tasks, such as laundry. Such challenges prepare them well for adulthood, in which they are overwhelmed with various problems.

  Parents' initiatives should be appreciated, but it turns out that boarding schools do not offer an answer to their worries. Children might not have those behavior problems commonly found among those from day schools, but the cost of this benefit is children's zero social life. Many students, especially those in early teens, suffer homesickness and depression because of their protracted family detachment. These problems can be even more devastating among those who have to stay overseas all year long. The mundane campus life might nurture the misconception of what the real world is like among students. They might graduate from schools with confusion when they experience problems in making an adjustment from school to society.

  Even a shallow review of the problems associated with boarding schools or overseas study can propel us to reassess these two brand-new preferences. Although the boarding school acts as a vacuum and cuts students' potential exposure to social evils, it might meanwhile compromise students' social skills and make them feeble in adults' world.






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