商科文书知多少? 有爱心的领导者更具竞争力

2016-02-05 作者: 1123阅读

1.       Johns Hopkins University (录取)
2.       Washington University in St. Louis (录取)
3.       University of Maryland (录取)
4.       University of Connecticut (录取)
5.       University of Rochester (等待名单)
6.       Brandeis University(等待名单)
7.       Fordham University (结果等待中)
1Johns Hopkins University这所学校是中国申请者常申的学校之一,学校文书分为必答题和选答题两部分,必答题部分要求500字;非必答题部分如果选择作答,需要从4个题目中选择其一作答
2Washington University in St. Louis
3University of Maryland
4University of Connecticut
5University of Rochester
6Brandeis UniversityFordham University
Compulsory Essay: Please respond to the following question:
Business leaders have the ability to create opportunities, build products and systems, and inspire others to action. Please describe a time you created an opportunity, built a new product or system, or inspired others to act. The example you provide and elaborate upon may come from your professional endeavors, academic pursuits or civic engagements. (500 word maximum)
Optional Essay - Select 1 option from list below:

1). Please describe three of your primary strengths and how those strengths have been put into action for the betterment of the communities or businesses you have served or endeavors you have pursued. Also share one area in need of improvement and the steps you have taken to improve within that area. (250 words maximum) 


2). Business with humanity in mind means many things to different people. Please explain what business with humanity in mind means to you and how you will apply your knowledge, skills and abilities to advance this ideal over the next five years. (250 words maximum) 


3). Please identify a tough problem that you are committed to addressing as a future business leader. What role will you play in the solution? What skills and abilities do you have (or might you need to acquire) to tackle this task? (250 words maximum) 


4). Upload a Word document with a link to a short video you prepared and post for our review. If the video includes audio, the audio file must be in English and must be clear enough to hear easily. The video should be no more than 5 minutes in length and should help the admissions committee learn something more about you. You can feel free to be creative but please use your professional judgment on what material is most appropriate for application to the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School.
Required Essay
Please respond to both of the following required items in one uploaded document:

1.  In one or two sentences, please describe your immediate career plans upon graduation from Olin.
2.  At Olin, we pride ourselves on our close-knit community and aim to know every student by name and story. In an essay of no more than 500 words, please introduce yourself as you would to your future Olin classmates.
Optional Essay
Please provide any additional information not previously addressed in other areas of the application that you feel would be helpful to the Admissions Committee in its assessment of your candidacy. (300 word maximum)
What are your specific post-degree short-term and long-term goals? Why Smith? Why a masters degree? Why now? Please limit your response to 500 words.
Primary Essay
Why are you interested in pursuing your graduate business degree at this stage in your life/career? What are your short-term and long-term career goals and how will this graduate business program help you achieve these goals?
Supplemental Essay
How will you and your experiences and values contribute to our program?
Optional Essay
Please provide any additional information that you would like to present to the admissions committee if you feel it is not appropriately reflected in your application and essays to better represent you.
Essay 1 (Required): Describe your short-term and long-term goals for post-MBA or post-MS. Given the fluctuation of economic and industry hiring trends, identify a back-up plan should your short-term goal not be immediately attainable. How does your past education and experience support your career objectives? Lastly, what aspects of your intended Simon Business School program make it a good choice for your graduate study? (250-500 word limit)*
Essay 2 (Required for Full-Time MBA/MS Only): In 25 words or less, provide us with an interesting fact about yourself not expressed elsewhere in your application. (25 word limit)
Essay 3 (Optional): Share additional information you think is important in the evaluation of your application, including any concerns you think the Admissions Committee may have regarding your candidacy. (500 word limit)


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