雅思阅读List of Heading做题方法小议

2015-10-29 作者: 252阅读

以剑8 Test 2中的Reading Passage 3 Q 27-Q 32为例:


  A survey conducted by Anthony Synott at Montreal’s Concordia University asked participants to comment on how important smell was to them in their lives. It became apparent that smell can evoke strong emotional responses. A scent associated with a good experience can bring a rush of joy, while a foul odour or one associated with a bad memory may make us grimace with disgust. Respondents to the survey noted that many of their olfactory likes and dislikes were based on emotional associations. Such associations can be powerful enough so that odours that we would generally label unpleasant become agreeable, and those that we would generally consider fragrant become disagreeable for particular individuals. The perception of smell, therefore, consists not only of the sensation of the odours themselves, but of the experience and emotions associated with them.

  划线部分为该段的首句、次句和末句,第一句的主干只有A survey asked participants to comment on how important smell was to them in their lives(气味对于受调查者生活的重要性,到底是否重要、为什么重要、怎么重要之类的信息呼之欲出)。所以次句中提到smell can evoke strong emotional responses(气味可以唤起强烈的情绪反应,就算唤起evoke看不懂也知道气味和情绪是有关联的)。接下来的部分并不是说完全不读,而是要速读和略读。并由此可知好的气味与情绪和记忆的关系还有反面论证不好的气味与情绪和记忆的关联。最后看到本段的最后一句,有总结的标志词 (therefore) 还有转折词(but),所以最核心的还是but后面的经验和情感与气味密切相关。整段看完,反复渲染的不过是气味和情感、经历、记忆的紧密关系。回头去看题干,唯一的选项是The relationship between smell and feelings,所以答案就浮出水面了。

  Tip 2 优先阅读较短的段落


  Smell, however, is a highly elusive phenomenon. Odours, unlike colours, for instance, cannot be named in many languages because the specific vocabulary simply does not exist. ‘It smells like … ’ we have to say when describing an odour, struggling to express our olfactory experience. Nor can odours be recorded; there is no effective way to either capture or store them over time. In the realm of olfaction, we must make do with descriptions and recollections. This has implications for olfactory research.

  请注意划线部分,考生只需读该段的首句和次句,基本上就可以判定这段的主要内容了。当然如果你有时间读完自然是极好地,你会更加坚定地发现后面的文字不过是对于首句和次句内容的展开,并且包含了更多的细节。当然选择较短的段落的优势在于把整段都读完了也许也花不到一分钟的时间,但是建议大家在“乱花渐欲迷人眼”的信息当中还是要以首句、次句和末句作为判断的基准。所以当题干出现The difficult of talking about smells的时候,我们可以毫不犹豫地去选择。因为文章划线部分说了elusive(难以捉摸,难以言表的),还有cannot be named并且原因是缺少这样的vocabulary,所以我们只能说It smells like这样的句子,可想而知描述气味是多么的困难。

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