
2015-07-22 作者: 1078阅读



Friday 17th July 2015 at 2.00pm - St Georges Church
Friday 24th July 2015 at 2.00pm - Arts Tower, Lecture Theatre 04 (LT04)

ELTC visa information for September 2015

When do I need to extend my visa?

You must submit your visa application online before registration. Without evidence that you have submitted your visa application (the visa application cover sheet is sufficient evidence) you might not be able to register and if you are not registered you cannot attend lectures. You can apply for your visa as soon as you have a CAS.

Why it is important not to make any mistakes with your application

  • Some errors in your application, for sending photographs which don't meet the UKVI strict requirements, can lead to your application being rejected as invalid
  • If your application is rejected as invalid, the Home Office will return it to you and by that time your visa might have already expired and you will have to make an out-of-time application as an overstayer
  • If you make an out-of-time application, you will have to show the higher maintenance amount (£7,380 for 28 days plus outstanding tuition fees, even if you previously qualified for the lower maintenance amount) and you will have no right to appeal if the application is refused (even if the Home Office refused in error)
  • Overstaying can have serious consequences such as not being able to make a visa application for one year)

How the University of Sheffield is going to help you

If you receive a CAS before 11th September, you can book an appointment for the University's visa extension scheme. This means we will check your visa application,  supporting documents and send your application on your behalf.

If you receive your CAS after 11th September, you can book an appointment on the document checking session. This means we will check your supporting documents (not the visa application form) and you will submit the application yourself.

What you should do to prepare for the visa application:

  1. Watch the presentation about document requirements
  2. Watch the video tutorial and chose one of the options of "Tier 4 visa in the UK self submitting"
  3. Pay a deposit via the online store (will be active from 14th August, please check again) in order to be able to book a place on the document checking session. We will notify you via email when you can do this. Once you have paid the deposit you will automatically be sent a link to the booking system for the document checking session.
  4. Book a place on the document checking session
  5. Attend the document checking session (checking sessions starting 14 September 2015)



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