
2015-06-10 作者: 814阅读


  题目:IELTS reforms all the time. Some people believe that there will be 40% more MCQ (multiple choices question) in the listening test and some other changes are supposed to take place after 1.4.2013. Do you believe the prediction or not?

  7.5 band: Recent years have witnessed the successive reform of IELTS by the ISOL examination. It is said that the proportion of multiple choices in listening test will soar significantly by 40% and the reading test is also subjected to changes. Personally, I tend to believe this is no rumor.

  6.5band: recently, we have seen that IELTS keep reforming. It is said by some candidates that the number of MCQ in the listening test will rise and also there will be changes in reading test as well. I am quite of the view that the change of IELTS is going to take place.

  7.5band: The assertion that more MCQs will be in future listening tests is not groundless because the prevalence of Jijing makes it possible for candidates, even those beginners, to get high scores by simply memorizing the answers. However, it is much more difficult for these speculators to recognize the memorized answers of MSQs during the test. Therefore, more MCQs would definitely be the ultimate solution to this problem.

  6.5band: First of all, a large number of the IELTS exam candidates can recite Jijing before they take the test. As is known to all, the records in Jijing are very reliable. So people who speak very poor English can simply memorize the answers collected by former students and get a very high score in the listening test, which is generally considered as the easiest part of the IELTS exam.

  7.5band: Apart from this, the reform of the reading test is also necessary. Thanks to Jijing, the reading test has become a game for the students to capture the synonyms for the decent scores. This has challenged the reliability of the reading test vastly as exam skills often work quite well.

  6.5band: Secondly, it is also imperative for IELTS to start the reform of reading test due to the existence of Jijing. It has designed a very effective method for his students to find the correct answers without reading the whole passage, which has greatly challenge the reliability of IELTS reading test because students not longer need to waste time on details.

  7.5band: More alarmingly, this is not to say that writing test will remain the same. What candidates need for a band 7 essay is to prepare structures and 17 kick-ass sentences. This it best illustrated by this essay which, indisputably, is a 7 plus sample albeit with some minor mistakes. ISOL may have realized the inherent weakness of the writing test as well.

  6.5band: Last but not the least, IELTS may also improve the writing test which is becoming very easy for candidates. For example, if the students recite one sentence, he will be able to use it in more than 100 writing tasks. Although I am not very good at English, I am quite sure that the essay I am writing is around 6.5 because I memorized some sentences which are used in the test.

  7.5band: As mankind adapts omnipresent changes for survival, it is necessary for the ISOL to conduct IELTS reform, which is the law of development. In order to outperform its main counterpart like TOFEL in terms of reliability, ISOL should and will increase its difficulty level of IELTS.

  6.5band: as can be concluded from what mentioned above, I am supporting the view that IELTS will go on reforming and it’s going to become more difficult than it is now.


  TR: task response---任务回应

  CC: coherence and cohesion---连贯性和整体性

  LR: lexical resource--- 词汇资源

  GRA: grammar range and accuracy---文法精准

  7.5的TR 审题无错,论点明确,分论点充分,结尾有力支持前文,再次深化主题;CC 句子清楚,结构完整流畅,读起来不会产生任何歧义;LR 用词表达地道准确,灵活运动副词的程度非常高;GRA 灵活运用了多种语法句式。

  6.5的TR 审题无错,第二、三段的回答比较含糊混乱, 结尾的概括较敷衍笼统,没有起到点题的深化作用;CC 与主题的关联性不强,长难句过于复杂和重复,影响力文章的可读性;LR 用词有故意用大词炫技之嫌,但可惜地是没有用到有亮点的地道表达,多数词语表达准确;GRA 有一定语法基础,但长难句使用过于做作,定从泛滥着,从不过7。表达不够简单直接,同样影响可读性。





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