
2018-06-20 作者: 9670阅读

悉尼大学6月份将在苏州,上海,北京和广州举办的行前说明会。具体时间如下: 苏州    Jun 09

                    Suzhou, The University of Sydney Centre in China 上海    Jun 10

                    Shanghai, The St. Regis Shanghai Jingan 北京    Jun 12 

                   Beijing, Intercontinental Sanlitun – Rose Room 广州    Jun 14

                    Guangzhou, Ritz-Carlton

Congratulations and welcome to the University of Sydney! We are delighted to welcome you to our vibrant and diverse global community. Each year the University of Sydney welcomes thousands of international students from across the world. As a commencing student at the University of Sydney in S2 2018, we want to make sure that you have all the information you need to prepare for your journey to Sydney and your studies at the University of Sydney. You are invited to attend one of the following Pre-Arrival Orientation Sessions: Jun 09

                    Suzhou, The University of Sydney Centre in China Jun 10 

                   Shanghai, The St. Regis Shanghai Jingan Jun 12

                    Beijing, Intercontinental Sanlitun – Rose Room Jun 14

                    Guangzhou, Ritz-Carlton Click here to register for one of these sessions This session will provide you with a range of information to help you prepare for life and study at The University of Sydney, including a checklist to help you pack for your journey, what to do in your first 48 hours, tips and tricks to help you settle in, information about accommodation options, the classroom environment, how to access and use university systems and more. You will have the opportunity to meet other commencing students and hear from University of Sydney Alumni about their experiences. If you have any enquiries about the Pre-Arrival Orientation program, please email annie.zhou@sydneyuniversity.cn. We look forward to seeing you in June 2018! Sincerely,


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