
2018-06-26 作者: 3012阅读

格里菲斯大学发来简讯: 在本期节目中,大学将分享2018年英联邦运动会(GC2018)和格里菲斯大学(Griffith)在2018年QS世界大学(QS World University)排行榜上的排名,以及首席执行官杂志《全球MBA排行榜》(Global MBA rankings)的排名。在黄金海岸和内森校区,你可以了解更多关于商业计划的硕士课程。读到格里菲斯MBA学生在亚太游学团和格里菲斯电影学院的成功经验,获得美国顶级行业奖项的荣誉。

Griffith News highlights Griffith filmmakers honoured at top US industry awards Two cutting-edge productions from Griffith Film School’s (GFS) LiveLab studio have been honoured at the New York Festivals Best of TV & Film Awards in Las Vegas this week. The awards recognise content in all lengths and forms from over 50 countries. Dedicated to both the television and film industries, they mirror global trends and encourage the next generation of storytellers and talent. A quirky stop-motion film to promote the Queensland Conservatorium’s musical theatre showcase won gold in the Best Student Film category. A five-part web series made for local YouTube star SasEffects took home silver in the same category. Both projects were made through LiveLab, Griffith Film School’s production arm. GFS is the only film school in Australia with a permanent in-house commercial studio.

GAPS Program contributes to thrilling Oceania success The Cook Islands have claimed their first ever medal at a Commonwealth Games after defeating Malta 17-11 in the bronze medal match of the Men’s Pairs in Lawn Bowls. The historic moment has a special link to Griffith University, a connection which may pave the way to further sporting triumphs for Oceania athletes in the future. Taiki Paniani, one half of the winning team, has been part of an innovative program developed and rolled out by Griffith University to give athletes from Pacific Commonwealth nations and territories access to sports experts and facilities not readily available in their home land. Taiki participated in the GAPS (Gather Adjust Prepare Sustain) Program on three occasions in the build up to the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games. Most recently the 21-year-old was among a group of able-bodied and para-athletes athletes from Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Cook Islands, Samoa, Tonga and Niue to participate in the program at the end of January.


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