
2018-04-28 作者: 3132阅读

Academic Tchnology Approval Scheme简称ATAS,是英国反恐战略下加强对外国留学生审查的步骤之一,主要针对来自非欧盟地区的留学生在报读某些学科课程的研究生(授课式、研究式)时必须通过的一道附加审查。 从学位申请层次上,只有攻读硕士及以上学位才需要审查,也并不是所有的专业都需要进行这项审查,主要是一些限制性专业,如航空、航天、核物理、建筑、土木、石油、医学、生物等。所以当你是攻读这一类限制性专业的时候,拿到offer的第一时间一定要查找一下offer上的JACS Code,如下图offer截屏中划横线的部分。然后根据所申请的课程层次进一步确认是否需要ATAS认证即可。具体列表会在文末附加,有需要的同学可以对应阶段查询。

图片1_副本 确认需要进行ATAS审核以后,大家应该关心如何操作吧,这里也简单给大家介绍一下。 审核周期:20个工作日 有效期:6个月 建议申请时间:课程开课前6-9个月 申请方式及方法:https://www.academic-technology-approval.service.gov.uk/sign-in PS:申请用的邮箱建议用hotmail、Gmail等国外邮箱,国内邮箱会慢。 附件: 1.攻读授课式硕士: F2 – Materials Science F3 – Physics (including Nuclear Physics) H3 – Mechanical Engineering H4 – Aerospace Engineering H8 – Chemical, Process and Energy Engineering J5 – Materials Technology not otherwise specified 2.攻读研究型硕士: 1)医学类课程 B1 – Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology B2 – Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy B9 – Others in Subjects allied to Medicine 2)生物科学类课程: C1 – Biology C2 – Botany C4 – Genetics C5 – Microbiology C7 – Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Biochemistry C9 – Others in Biological Sciences. 3)兽医学、农业学相关课程: D3 – Animal Science D9 – Others in Veterinary Sciences, Agriculture and related subjects 4)物理学相关课程: F1 – Chemistry F2 – Materials Science F3 – Physics F5 – Astronomy F8 – Physical Geographical Sciences F9 – Others in Physical Sciences 5)数学、计算机科学相关课程: G0 – Mathematical and computer sciences G1 – Mathematics G2 – Operational Research G4 – Computer Science G7 – Artificial Intelligence G9 – Others in Mathematical and Computing Sciences 6)工程类课程: H1 – General Engineering H2 – Civil Engineering H3 – Mechanical Engineering H4 – Aerospace Engineering H5 – Naval Architecture H6 – Electronic and Electrical Engineering H7 – Production and Manufacturing Engineering H8 – Chemical, Process and Energy Engineering H9 – Others in Engineering 7)计算机科学 I1 – Computer Science I4 – Artificial Intelligence I9 – Others in Computer Sciences 8)科技类课程: J2 – Metallurgy J4 – Polymers and Textiles J5 – Materials Technology not otherwise specified J7 – Industrial Biotechnology J9 – Others in Technology 3.攻读博士 申请数量相对较少,有需要的同学可以单独找我要列表。


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