
2017-05-06 作者: 1547阅读

怎样给孩子选择一个合适的英国私立中学呢?在看了很多GCSE、A LEVEL排名甚至是学校的ISI报告之后,很多家长还是一头雾水,那么参观学校,就是一种更直观和直接的方式了。家长可以提前联系我们澳际,预约参观学校的时间,不管是在学校的开放日(open day)还是其他时间参观,都是可以安排的。那么家长去参观学校之前,就需要充分准备,想清楚该问学校哪些方面的问题,进行一次深入的交流。
  • 学校的领导团队是怎样的? What kind of leadership and governance does the school have? Is it governed by a board or an owner-operator? Is it non-profit or for-profit?
  • 在校有多少位老师?平均年龄都多大?结婚单身?男女老师的比例?How many staff are there? Average age, single/married ratio, male/female ratio, etc.?
  • 老师住在哪里?Where do staff live?
  • 所有任职的老师有做过背景调查吗?What kind of background checks are done on staff?
  • 可以看看学校的团队组织结构图吗?How many administrators are available? What does the organizational chart look like?
  • 每年新入职的老师比例是多少?What is the average longevity of staff in the program? What percentage are new staff this year?
  • 晚自习的地点是在学生宿舍、自习室还是学校图书馆?
  • 是否有老师进行看管,是否有老师进行答疑?
  • 是否会没收手机
  • 学校有什么好玩而且特有的传统、禁忌、节日?  Do you have any interesting traditions?
  • 看看贴在宿舍和告示牌上的活动海报,孩子们有哪些课外活动可以选择,有什么有特色的项目?What extracurricular opportunities (sports, clubs, community service, competitions) are available for students?
  • 孩子一天当中多少时间可以课外活动?How much outdoor time do kids get each day?
  • 有没有课外活动的俱乐部?Are there organized athletic teams?
  • 音乐、戏剧课程之类的需要额外收费吗?An additional charge for Music and Drama lessons?
  • 是否可以经常带孩子们集体旅游,是否收费?
  • 学生去旅游的话,谁来监管?When students are traveling off campus, what supervision is available?
  • 对舞蹈、唱歌感兴趣的话,还要去参观一下学校的舞蹈房,看看舞蹈房的场地、设备和状态
  • 我的孩子有没有机会当课外活动的领导者?leadership opportunities
  • 学校的安全怎么样?How is the security of your campus?
  • 我们家长一般什么时候可以联系学生?When can I contact my child? 
  • 如果学生想家了,学校会做什么?What can be done to ease the likelihood of initial homesickness (if this is anticipated)?
  • 如果孩子生病了、出现紧急情况了该怎么处理? What about medical emergencies? What type of medical facilities do you have?
  • 学校是否有专业负责处理紧急情况的老师? Are there trained/qualified staff on duty 24/7? How many nursing staff are there? What hours are they on duty?
  • 在紧急情况下,学校会怎么和家长沟通? How does this school keep parents informed of school information and activities?
  • 学校会多大程度上参考家长的建议?Does the school value what parents have to say and respond to issues parents raise? Is there an advisor, case manager, or similar contact person that I or my child should contact if we are dissatisfied with it?
  • 有没有特殊的一个部分专门负责联系家长和老师之间的关系?Is there any active parent-teacher organization that has easy access to the educators and administrators at the school?
  • 学校到附近医院有多远距离? How close is the nearest hospital?
  • 有过学校暴力事件吗?学校怎样防止校园暴力?Is bullying a problem at the school? Does the school have an anti-bullying policy?
5. 学习相关
  • 学校是怎么选老师的?How does the school select teachers? Are the teachers certificated? .What are the teachers’ qualifications? What kind of professional development are they offered?
  • 您(学校老师)为什么来这个学校任职呢?Why did you choose to teach here?
  • 校长来这个学校多久了?How long has the Head been in place?
  • 学校有哪些受人爱戴的老师(可以侧面看出学校的师生关系是否亲近,或许学校还会分享有趣的事情)) Do you have a favorite teacher? Who is it, and why?
  • 一个年级有多少个班?每节课学习多长时间?What is the typical class day? How many classes? How long is each?
  • 学校将怎样评估学生在学校的学习情况以及进步的速度?How important are test scores? How does the school measure individual achievement and progress?
  • 我怎么知道孩子的学习情况?What do you provide in the way of pastoral support?  Can I find out how my child is doing in school? What are their grades? How will I know how well my student is doing? How often will I be informed?
  • 有没有家庭作业?作业量是大是小?学生一般在哪里做作业?How much homework do students have?  What is the school’s homework policy? Is there homework help? How/when/where does my child study or do homework? How much is typically assigned daily?
  • 万一我孩子学习水平一般,学校怎么帮助学习?If my student is struggling, what support does the school provide? Are there adults who my child can go to if they need some support?
  • 学校怎么帮助母语非英语的学生克服语言文化的障碍?所提供的英文帮助是否是需要付费?How does this school support students who have academic, social or emotional difficulties? What strategies are used to teach students who are not fluent in English?
  • 学校还提供哪些语言课?学生最常选哪些语种的语言科目?如果我孩子想选某个语言课,您觉得什么时候合适?Are world language classes (French, Spanish, etc.) offered to students? At what grade level do students begin studying foreign languages? Do children learn other languages and at what age do they start?
  • 学校有什么教学科技设备用于教学吗?How is technology used to support teaching and learning at this school? What type of computer technology is available? Networking, email, WWW access, word processing, etc.?
  • 学生需要自备电脑吗?Do students need to provide their own computer?
  • 观察课间的时候学生是倾向于在学校教室之间来回穿梭?还是倾向于在场外游玩?How do students behave as they move from class to class or play outside?
6. 奖学金
  • 学校对于表现优异的孩子有什么奖励吗?Does the school have a program for gifted students?
  • 学校有开设有什么奖学金吗?Do you offer scholarships?
7. 设施
  • What kind of library resources are available to students?
  • 学校没有图书馆或者图书馆藏书很少,那学校是怎么样来提高学生的阅读水平?
  • 怎么样来保障学生可以查阅需要的资料?
  • 学校是否可以提供有关的电子书?
8. 餐饮
  • 饭点是什么时候?When is lunch\Dinner?
  • 学校的饮食营养搭配如何,都有什么口味?What’s the food like? What food service is available? How flexible is it? What is the meal schedule?
  • 学生们可以自己额外加餐吗?
  • 有机会的话,到学校餐厅吃饭的时候,跟校园里的学生谈谈他们对学校的印象。感受下孩子能跟校园里的学生自如愉快地相处么?
9. 宿舍
  • 在访校的过程中也可以再和校方确认学校的寄宿比例,通过这个来初步判断学校对寄宿制学生的关心程度。What proportion of your pupils are boarders?
  • 学校不一定给你看房间内部,毕竟房间里面还是属于个人的隐私空间,如果某个学校的参观流程里面没有参观房间这项的话就不要强求了。
  • 想象下孩子住在宿舍里的情景,孩子是否满意宿舍所在的位置,比如它距离教室和学生中心的距离。
  • 可以的话,找宿管老师聊聊(舍监housemaster),那是学生每天要面对的人,关心一下老师的资质、经验等等。What are the qualifications of your residential staff?
  • 学生的晚间生活是怎样的?What is the typical evening like?
  • 学生的就寝和起床时间是怎样的?What are the morning and bedtime routines?
  • 晚上如果有突发事情怎么办?What supervision/emergency coverage is available overnight when most staff are sleeping? Are staff trained in emergency first aid?
  • 宿舍是怎么分配的?如果我孩子不喜欢舍友怎么办?How flexible are dorm room assignments? What if my child does not like his or her roommate?
  • 浴室是独立的还是公共的?What types of bathroom/shower accommodations are available?
  • 有干洗服务吗?How is laundry/linen handled?
  • 周末宿舍一般有什么活动?也有监管老师吗?What kinds of activities and supervision are available on weekends? Is weekend staff the same as weekday staff?
  • 学生如果周末想去同学家玩,允许吗?What is the process for students to get permission to visit the homes of friends on weekends? How readily are students allowed to leave campus unsupervised?
  • 宿舍禁烟禁酒吗?Are drugs and alcohol a problem on your campus? How are infractions for such issues handled?
10. 评估环境
  • 校园对孩子来说会太大或太小么?
  • 孩子喜欢附近的镇子么?还是认为校园太过孤立?想象孩子将来会怎样在校园中穿行,特别是在雨天和雪天。
  • 学校还会有新建的场所和地址吗?Is this the permanent location or facility for the school? If not, will the school be moving to another location in the near future?
  • 学校和当地社区的关系如何?What kind of relationship does the school and its members have with the local community?
11. 录取相关
  • 学校录取学生的标准是什么?倾向于招收怎么样的学生?What are your entrance requirements and admissions procedures? What type of student is the school looking for?
  • 有多少的学生去名校?How many of your pupils go on to top universities? Do you have any contacts in universities and professions? Where do the school’s graduates go? In the case of a high school, what percentage of students go on to university? Do they get accepted to their first choice?
  1. 建议提前15分钟左右到达学校,提前参观一下周围的环境;
  2. 如果允许的话,看看课程表、教材、学校的日历。Can I see a listing of the curriculum, including course variety in all areas?  Can I have a copy of the school calendar?
  3. 如果是参观女校,建议参观宿舍的时候父亲在公共休息室等等就好,不要跟进学生住宿的地方。
  4. 让孩子适量问问题,千万不要把孩子扔在身后不管而家长不停问学校问题,可能会让学校感觉学生本人不够关心或者太害羞。
  5. 记录参观的每个学校的印象:如果不及时记录想法,等回来之后对参观过的学校的印象就会慢慢模糊。把学校的优缺点记录下来,便于比较,也可以拍一些照片帮你来记忆你参观过的学校。

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