据悉尼大学法学院介绍,悉尼大学JD课程学制为3年,对于持有悉尼大学认可的中国大学法律本科学位的学生,还有可能获得最多42个学分的减免。很多学生在summer school 读一门课程,2年之内就能读完JD 课程。不仅可以节省一年的时间,还能省去一年的费用,非常划算。
If you have completed a degree from a non-common law jurisdiction you may receive credit of up to 42 credit points. You will receive unspecified credit of 30 credit points. You may also receive a further 12 credit points when you enrol if you can provide evidence that you have completed the equivalent of one unit of study in international, comparative or transnational law and unit of study in jurisprudence. If you receive the full credit of 42 credit points it may be possible to complete the JD degree within 2 years.
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