
2016-10-25 作者: 1548阅读

分享老师背景:业内知名顾问-张晓畅老师:海外留学经历;教育、媒体等行业的国内外工作履历和对于海外教育、留学申请、方案制定、文书和签证的操作和加国就业移民等方面的经验和探索使其在众多学生和家长中享有“留学规划师”和“加拿大大拿张”的美誉。张晓畅老师曾连续蝉联14‘15’年“年度留学顾问”称号. 并连续三年客户满意度第一。

Statistics 统计学硕士
Master of Science (MSc)
Fields of Research 研究方向
 Actuarial Science 精算
 Financial Modelling 金融建模
 Statistical Theory 统计学理论
 Biostatistics - Collaborative Program with the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry. 生物统计学
Times to Completion 课程长度
 3-6 Terms (1-2 years)
Curriculum Options 课程设置
 Full-time study
 Thesis-based, or project-based 
Admission Requirements 录取要求
Candidates with an Honors Bachelor's degree or equivalent with sufficient background in Statistical and Actuarial Sciences are eligible to apply for admission to the Statistics MSc program. 申请者要求有足够的统计学,精算学本科背景。
1,  Actuarial Science Field 精算方向具体要求
Prior to program entry, students are expected to have significant knowledge of Linear Algebra, Calculus, Intermediate Probability, and Mathematical Statistics, plus a basic knowledge of Life Contingencies and Loss Models.
An average grade of 78% on the last twenty (20) one term courses taken is normally required for admission to the program. 
2, Statistical Theory Field 统计学方向具体要求
Prior to program entry, students are expected to have a significant knowledge of Linear Algebra, Calculus, Intermediate Probability, Mathematical Statistics, Design of Experiment, and Regression.
An average grade of 78% on the last twenty (20) one term courses taken is normally required for admission to the program. 
3, Financial Modelling Field 金融建模方向具体要求
Prior to program entry, students are expected to have significant knowledge of Linear Algebra, Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations, Intermediate Probability, and Mathematical Statistics.  
An average grade of 82% on the last twenty (20) one term courses taken is normally required for admission to the program. 
Test Requirements 语言要求
Applicants whose first language is not English must furnish evidence of their proficiency in the use of the English language:
 The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Minimum acceptable score is 213 for the standard electronic version, 550 for the paper and pencil version, or 86 for the internet version with no individual score below 20. [Western's TOEFL ID is 0984].
 The International English Language Testing Service (IELTS). Minimum acceptable score is 6 out of 9 with no individual score falling below 6. 雅思单项不低于6
Application Deadline(s)
February 15 - International Applicants 215日截止申请
August 15 - Domestic Applicants
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.Completed applications are reviewed on a continuous basis. Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply as early as possible. 过期不审核,建议早申请。
FAQs 常见问题解答:
问题1If I don’t meet the minimum requirements for admission, can I take some courses at Western to build up my background? 如果达不到本科最低背景要求,是否会被录取?
Yes, but you need to apply to Western as a special undergrad student. For more information, please visit:http://welcome.uwo.ca/admissions/admission_requirements/index.html. You can also book an appointment withDr. Xiaoming Liu at xliu@stats.uwo.ca for advice on what courses you should take to meet the program requirements. Please note admission to the grad program is not guaranteed even if you successfully completed these courses.
问题2Should I contact potential faculty supervisors before applying?用提前联系导师吗?
No, we do not encourage candidates to contact potential faculty supervisors before applying.  All applications are reviewed by the Graduate Committee and then passed on to potential supervisors

Course Title
Survival Analysis
Bruce Jones
Actuarial Practice I
Harold Hugel
Life Contingencies II
Mary Millard
Loss Models II
Jiandong Ren
Selected Topics in Actuarial Science
Bruce Jones, Kristina Sendova



Introduction to Financial Markets and Quantitative Finance with Excel
Harold Hugel
The Mathematics of Financial Options
Marcos Escobar-Anel
Financial Risk Management
Matt Davison
Stochastic Processes with Applications in Finance and Actuarial Science
Rogemar Mamon
Statistical Consulting
David Bellhouse
Markov Chains with Applications
David Stanford
Advanced Probability
Hao Yu
Douglas Woolford
Statistical Computing
Duncan Murdoch
Advanced Multistate Models
Bruce Jones
Loss Models I
Kristina Sendova
Mortality Modelling
Xiaoming Liu
Financial Modelling II
Matt Davison
Investment Portfolio Management
Harold Hugel
Monte Carlo Methods and Financial Applications
Hao Yu
Topics in Statistical Inference
Wenqing He
Generalized Linear Models
Simon Bonner
Analysis of brain imaging data
Joern Diedrichsen
Multivariate Analysis
Serge Provost

Advanced Data Analysis
Ian McLeod
Time Series
Ricardas Zitikis

* is a combined undergraduate/graduate course
推荐专业1Actuarial Science - MActSc at Waterloo 精算-精算硕士-授课制硕士(重点推荐)
- 21日截止申请
Program information
Admit term(s) 
o Fall 9月开学
Registration option(s) 
o Full-time
Study option(s) 
o Coursework授课应用型硕士
Admission requirements 录取要求
Minimum requirements 
o A four-year honour’s Bachelor’s degree with an overall 83% average from a Canadian university (or its equivalent). 83均分
Application materials 
o Résumé
o Supplementary information form
o Transcript(s)
o Number of references:  3
o Type of references:  academic or professional.
English language proficiency (ELP) 

Internet-based  TOEFL(iBT) IELTS  (Academic)
90;  writing 25;  speaking 25 7.0; writing 6.5; speaking 6.5

Degree requirements
Coursework option 课程设置:
o Students must complete the following 15 one-term graduate courses:
 Fall term:
 ACTSC 611 Financial Mathematics I
 ACTSC 612 Life Insurance Mathematics I
 ACTSC 613 Statistics for Actuarial Science
 ACTSC 614 Corporate Finance
 ACTSC 615 Economics
 Winter term:
 ACTSC 621 Financial Mathematics II
 ACTSC 622 Life Insurance Mathematics II
 ACTSC 623 Applied Statistics
 ACTSC 624 Stochastic Processes for Actuarial Science
 ACTSC 625 Casualty and Health Insurance Mathematics
 Spring term:
 ACTSC 631 Financial Mathematics III
 ACTSC 632 Life Insurance Mathematics III
 ACTSC 633 Actuarial Risk Management
 ACTSC 634 Quantitative Risk Management
 ACTSC 635 Profession Communications in Actuarial Science
o Students are required to pass at least 12 courses, with an average grade of at least 70%.
专业2Statistics - MMath at Waterloo 统计学-数学硕士-研究型
 Application deadline: February 121日截止申请)
Fields (areas of research) 研究方向
 Computational Statistics 统计计算
 Finance 金融
 Industrial Statistics 工业统计
 Probability 概率
 Statistical Theory and Methods 统计理论和方法
Program information
Admit term(s) 
o Fall 9月入学
Study option(s) 
o Thesis
o Master's Research Paper
Admission requirements 录取要求
Minimum requirements 
o A four-year Honours Bachelor degree with a significant statistics and/or actuarial science component. 4年制本科,要求大部分课程是精算或者统计学。
o An overall 78% average from a Canadian university (or its equivalent).
Application materials 
o Résumé
o Supplementary information form
o Transcript(s)
o Number of references:  3
o Type of references:  normally from academic sources.
English language proficiency (ELP) 

Internet-based  TOEFL(iBT) IELTS  (Academic)
90;  writing 25;  speaking 25 7.0; writing 6.5; speaking 6.5

Degree requirements
Thesis option 论文型:
o Students must complete 4 one-term (0.50 unit weight) courses with an overall average of at least 70%.
o The 4 courses must include STAT 850 Estimation and Hypothesis Testing and at least 2 900-level STAT courses.
Graduate Skills Workshop
Master’s Thesis
o Students must complete a thesis and an oral presentation 答辩.
Master's Research Paper option 硕士研究论文型:
o Students must complete 7 one-term (0.50 unit weight) courses with an overall average of at least 70%.
o 3 of the 7 required courses should include:
 STAT 830 Experimental Design or STAT 835 Statistical Methods for Process Improvement
 STAT 850 Estimation and Hypothesis Testing
 STAT 854 Sampling Theory and Practice
o Exemptions can be made to these required courses at the discretion of the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies.
Graduate Skills Workshop
Master’s Research Paper
o Students must complete a research paper that will be given a numeric grade which appears on the transcript beside the milestone 无答辩.
专业3Actuarial Science - MMath at Waterloo 精算-数学硕士-研究型硕士
 Admit term: Fall 9月入学
 Application deadline: February 1 1月截止申请)
Fields (areas of research) 研究方向
 Actuarial Science Practice 精算应用
 Actuarial Science Theory 精算理论
 Finance 金融
 Probability 概率
Program information 专业信息
Program type 
o Master's
o Research 研究型
Admission requirements 录取要求
Minimum requirements 
o A four-year Honours Bachelor degree with a significant actuarial science and/or statistics component. 4年制本科,要求大部分课程是精算或者统计学。
o An overall 78% average from a Canadian university (or its equivalent).
Application materials 
o Résumé
o Supplementary information form
o Transcript(s)
o Number of references:  3
o Type of references:  normally from academic sources.

Internet-based  TOEFL(iBT) IELTS  (Academic)
90;  writing 25;  speaking 25 7.0; writing 6.5; speaking 6.5
English language proficiency (ELP)  
Degree requirements
Students can select the Thesis or Master’s Research Paperoption while in the program.
Thesis option 论文制要求:
o Students must complete 4 one-term(0.50 unit weight) courses with an overall average of at least 70%. The 4 one-term courses must include at least 1 900-level ACTSC course.
Graduate Skills Workshop
o Students must complete the Graduate Skills Workshop during the first year of the program.
Master’s Thesis
o Students must complete a thesis and an oral presentation 答辩.
Master's Research Paper option 硕士研究论文制:
o Students must complete7 one-term (0.50 unit weight) courses with an overall average of at least 70%. Normally, at least 6 of the 7 courses should be labelled ACTSC. At least 3 900-level courses must be taken, at least 2 of which must be labelled ACTSC. Substitution of relevant non-ACTSC courses is subject to approval of the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies.
Graduate Skills Workshop
o Students must complete the Graduate Skills Workshop during the first year of the program.
Master’s Research Paper
o Students must complete a research paper that will be given a numeric grade which appears on the transcript beside the milestone 无答辩.

Graduate Programs
Actuarial Science MSc program
Statistics MSc program
Program Requirements
The MSc in Actuarial Science requires a total of 36 units consisting of a 6 unit project and a further 30 units of course work of which at least 24 must be at the graduate level. Students who have completed the undergraduate Actuarial Science major or honours program at SFU or have received approval of the Graduate Chair based on an equivalent program, are required to complete 24 graduate course units plus 6 project units for a total of 30 units in total for a master's degree.
Normally these courses must include
STAT 830 - Statistical Theory I (4)
and at least two of
ACMA 820 - Stochastic Analysis of Insurance Portfolios (4)
ACMA 821 - Advanced Actuarial Models (4)
ACMA 822 - Risk Measures and Ordering (4)
and at least two of
ACMA 850 - Actuarial Science: Selected Topics (4)
STAT 850 - Linear Models and Applications (4)
STAT 851 - Generalized Linear Models and Discrete Data Analysis (4)
STAT 852 - Modern Methods in Applied Statistics (4)
STAT 853 - Applications of Statistical Computing (4)
STAT 855 - Lifetime Data Analysis (4)
STAT 856 - Longitudinal Data Analysis (4)
STAT 857 - Space-Time Models (4)
STAT 890 - Statistics: Selected Topics (4)
加拿大部 首席咨询顾问
QQ:     55440747
Eric Zhang
Senior Consultant
AOJI Education Group
2F,Interchina Commercial Building,NO.33 Deng Shi Kou Street,
Dong Cheng District ,Beijing 100006 P.R.China


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